Johnny's Sister

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Another fun request made by -lmaofinn!


Johnny was a very protective twin brother. Even though he was older than you by a couple minutes, (which you two weren't sure about since your parents never told you) he would go out of his way to make sure you were safe.

"C'mon hurry up and grab your jacket. We're going to the lot tonight Brynlee," Johnny told you, after he had almost got knocked in the head with a broom.

You both quickly raced out of the house before your either of your parents could acknowledge it. Even though you both knew they didn't care in the slightest.

"Brynnlee, did you even put shoes on?" Johnny asked rubbing his hands together to warm up on the chilly fall night.

"No..." You said swaying your feet through the soft grass as you walked. He gave you a stern look you could see off the reflection of a street lamp.

"Aw c'mon you're not my mom," you said. "Its not like ours would care anyway," you muttered. Johnny sighed as you arrived in the lot.

"The Curtis' are home," you said trying to start a conversation.

You both sat in silence until you heard a rustling sound nearby. "What was that?" You asked as Johnny shot up. You could see the fear in his eyes. "I-I dunno," he said looking around.

You stood up as well to see Ponyboy climb down a tree looking rather exhausted.

You both let out a sigh of relief as Ponyboy stumbled over to you two.

"Hey Pone whatcha doing out here so late?" You asked as he rubbed his head. "I failed a test, couldn't go home and face Darry," he muttered. "Well your lucky we're staying here tonight as well," Johnny said sitting down. You sat down as well leaning against an old car.

"I sure am glad you two are here," Pony said as he practically fell into the grass next to Johnny. "What are friends for?" You replied yawning. You leaned your head onto Johnny's shoulder and drifted off into dreamland. But before you did, you could hear Johnny mutter, "Good night Brynnlee,"

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