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This is just going to be like a headcannon
BTS: Behind the Scenes

·Y'all learn dances together·

·Oh course Patrick Swayze leads the tutorials·

·You being 17 but in the movie you're 15·

·the boys treating you like one of them·

·TONS of pranks·

·Like the time you guys filled Rob Lowe's room with foam·

·The boys are also extremely protective of you and Diane·

·On set one day, there were some background actors and they kept cat-calling towards you and Diane·

·The boys yelled at them and even Francis Coppola got ticked·

·SE Hinton was totally your 2nd mom·

·She was to everyone though, and some of you guys called her mom·

·Practicing your lines together in Tommy Howell's hotel room·

·Having to get 'tuff' for your greaser role, so you had to spend the night in a actual Greaser's basement with Ralph Macchio·

·You were the 3rd actress to try out for your role, and Coppola knew you were fit right away, and sent all the other people home·

·girl you are so talented·

·some of the actors had crushes on you·

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