Night Troubles//Johnny

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This was a great request by -lmaofinn
TW: Mentions of Insomnia

Brynnlee laid awake staring at the ceiling. Her mind wandered, not letting her close her eyes. She stared around the dark abyss of her room, only the light from under the door shining through.

She couldn't help but think of her boyfriend, Johnny who was in the guest room in her house at the moment, safe from his parents.

Since you were still new at being a couple, you made him sleep in the guest bedroom. But secretly you didn't want him to know about your sleeping problems.

Finally turning over and checking the time on your clock, you realized how late it was. You huffed and tried readjusting. You tried thinking about different things until your mind settled on Johnny.

You felt your lips curve into a smile as your body relaxed at the thought of him.

Then you were lulled into a deep sleep.

You dreamed you were standing in front of a house. But, not just any house, it was Johnny's.

Suddenly you heard cries of help from inside, and your dreaming self ran inside to see Johnny practically getting beat to death by his father. "NO!" You screamed rushing forward.

Before anything else happened, you felt yourself being shook awake, startled to hear yourself screaming. "Brynlee! Brynlee, what happened?" You heard your boyfriend's soothing voice.

"I-it was just nightmare," you croaked out.
"This is exactly why I don't want to fall asleep anyways" you said your voice cracking. "Hey, hey, what do you mean?" Johnny asked rubbing your back. "I have a sleeping disorder," you said hiding your face in your hands, "insomnia,"

"Hey, we'll get through this. I am not exactly a sound sleeper either," But we both have each other now," he said pulling your face up by your chin.

You nodded wiping your face. "Thanks," Johnny smiled and stood up heading for the door. "Wait! Do- do you think we would sleep better together? That way maybe I'll fall asleep without a nightmare," you said hopefully. He grinned and crawled into bed with you.

You rested your head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around you and put his head on yours.

"Good night, Johnny"

"Good night, love"

Sorry I have never written about this topic before, but I hope you liked it!

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