Dating Johnny Includes...

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Since I'm doing a lot of Johnny today, I decided just to go ahead and do this so enjoy.


·I can see you just calling him a bunch of pet names·
"Hey Johnnycakes? Do you have any other nicknames I could call you?"

·He is probably pretty shy, and doesn't get too close at first, but when he gets comfortable this boy is always wanting you to cuddle him·
"Y/N, Come back! I wasn't done cuddling,"

·A lot of times, he is over at your house, or you're staying at the lot with him·
More cuddle time am I right?

·being together is the only way either of you can fall asleep at night·
"I just like knowing your safe with me"

·You guys just being best friends. Oh yeah, and with Ponyboy too. The trio·
"Lets go to the movies," Y/n suggests. "Okay" Pony says. "Can we go get Dally?" Johnny asks softly. "Uh uh, you know what happened laat time with those girls there..."

Idek what else to write. I'm exhausted r n.

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