The Meeting (Part 2)

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Y/N - your name



You were driving along the highway bobbing your head to music on the radio. You were heading from your shift at the Dingo to your Grandma's house to visit her. When you had been driving a while, you noticed two greasers on the side of the road trying to hitch a ride. At first, you knew it was a terrible idea to pick up two random boys on the side of the road, but they looked harmless, and you think you recognized one of them. They walked towards your car as you slowed down, and pulled in front of them. You rolled down your window and saw the older one with rusty sideburns and red hair lean against the car. The younger one was right behind him, he had golden hair and greenish-brown eyes. "Hey, need a ride?" You asked them. The older one smirked and said, "Yeah, thought we might find a pretty broad and ask for a ride," You saw the younger boy roll his eyes and you scoffed. "Well I was going to let you, but I changed my mind," You said as you changed gears. "Wait, wait, I was just kidding. I'm Keith, but most people call me Two-bit. This here is Ponyboy." Two-bit said as he motioned towards the other boy. They both were interesting names. You sighed, "I'm (Y/N), where are y'all headed?" "We're heading to the hospital to see a friend of ours." He said with a sad expression on his face. "Well lucky you, I'm headed that way. Hop in," Two-bit smirked and climbed into the front seat as Ponyboy climbed into the back. The car ride was full of Two-bit cracking jokes and flirting with you. Ponyboy didn't say much but would nod with Two-bit. At first, Two-bit was annoying but eventually, he got you to crack up. You were both sad to see the hospital and knew the ride was over. "Well thanks for the ride doll," Two-bit said as he and Ponyboy climbed out of the car. Two-bit leaned against the open window. "Thanks for the entertainment," you said chuckling. "Anytime," Two-bit said grinning at you. "Hey um, I know we just met, but I thought it would be fun to...I don't know...maybe hang out together sometime?" Two-bit said looking at his hands. "Ha! I was thinking the same thing," You say as you grab a pen and write your phone number on his hand. Two-bit smiled widely. "Great I'll call you sometime Doll!" he said as backed away from the window. You grinned as you pulled away from the front of the hospital. You looked back to see Two-bit throw his arm around Ponyboy, as he grinned madly. Two-bit couldn't stop thinking about you, he knew you were different from other girls and just knew he wanted to get to know you even more.


You were sick of being stuck inside your house with your family so you decided to take your older brother's motorcycle out for a ride. You didn't really know how to, but you knew how to start it and you could ride a bike, so why not? As you grabbed your brother's helmet you tucked your hair in and flipped the visor down. You started it up and drove off before anyone could notice. It was a nice sunny afternoon and you could feel the wind ripple your flannel shirt. The motorcycle felt hot, even through your jeans and boots. You came to an empty stop light and were thinking about how stupid it was that you couldn't go even though there was no one there when a convertible pulled up with too many guys in the car. The driver, a tough lookin' greaser with white-blonde hair, took one look at you on your motorcycle and back at the guys with him and said, "Hey, wanna race man?" One of the guys in the back, with a goofy look and rusty sideburns, snickered and said, "Yeah, as if that two-wheeled rust bucket could win." All the guys started snickering except for a guy in the back, with a broad build, and swirly greased back brown hair. He seemed to be admiring your motorcycle, it was a black prince, just a bit rusty though. "Will this light hurry up?" You thought to yourself. "I'll race," you said as you started up the motorcycle. The guys cheered and the driver roared his engine. "Too bad they don't know about what this old prince can do." You thought to yourself. The light turned green and they took off, but you drifted and turned around. About 50 yards later the guys noticed and slammed on the brakes. They started going in reverse and roared past you as you drifted around again and zoomed past the same light and you heard the guys yelling to catch you as they realized your trick. You looked back behind you to see that the light had turned red again and the guys yet again screeched on the brakes. You laughed as you drove back over to them. All their faces were red and they were avoiding eye contact. "Man, you guys should see your faces!" You said through your helmet. "HUH?" They all said. You realized you still had your helmet on and took it off, flattening your hair. The look of dumbstruck on their faces was priceless. "So you're telling me, we lost to a rust bucket, with a GIRL driver?!" Sideburns said. You didn't mind, you noticed the one who was staring at the motorcycle earlier, was staring at you now, and when he spotted you were looking he grinned. You grinned back, I mean he was pretty cute. So that's how you met Steve Randle in the middle of a road. He got out of the car and complimented your riding while the others just looked annoyed. Then he asked you out to go for a ride with him sometime.


The manager of the dingo had previously asked you to perform at his bar sometime and you agreed, and tonight was that night. To say the least, you were a little nervous, but you had performed a few times before this night, but tonight would be a little different. You set up your guitar and the rest of the band set up their instruments. Not too many people were there but you saw a greaser who caught your eye. He came down the stairs from the rooms above the bar and had a charming look about him, tuff, but handsome. You went to get the rest of your stuff ready and waited for the bar to fill up with people. About a few drinks later, and some pep talks, you and your band decided it was time to perform. You put your guitar over your shoulder and spoke into the microphone, introducing yourselves. You started the intro to "Johnny B Goode." People cheered and some got up to dance. You grinned to yourself and played the song with your band.

After the band finished the crowd clapped and you grinned catching the eye of the greaser you had seen earlier. You let the band play a few songs, and went over to him. "Hi, hope we wasn't too bad," You told him as you sat down. "Nah you guys did better than most bands usually are when they perform here." He responded. You smiled and said "thanks." "You were the best one up there, hell you are probably the best performer they have ever had here." He said smirking at you. "Well, I don't know about that..." You looked over at the band as they finished another song. "Well I better head back, any requests?" you said as you got up. "I don't mind, whatever you play will be good anyway," he said grinning. You blushed. "And hey, if you are ever back through here, give me a call, maybe we can go out." He said as you started walking away. "Oh I'll be back," You said grinning and turning away. "Now I have to be," You murmured to yourself.


Sorry for not updating, I'm lazy. These aren't the best but oh well.

Cya! -jo

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