The Roller Rink

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*This is kinda going to be like a headcannon*


·You and the gang going roller skating at the rink·

·Sneaking in with Soda's killer flirting skills to distract the workers·

·Y'all get the roller skates and take over the rink·

·Two-bit and Steve are trying to ram into each other and knock each other over on purpose because they can't skate·

·The Curtis brothers are gods at skating especially Darry·

·Dally thinks he is too good for skating and is taking over the arcade and stealing prizes for Johnny·

·You help Johnny skate and hold each other up because you both aren't that good·

·Everyone gets off the rink because the gang joined in on Steve and Two-bits roughhousing. Even Dally joins in with skates·

·A bunch of socs show up, and you and the gang knock them down·

·Y'all have to get the hell outta there before either the cops show up or the socs get you·

·Y'all stole the skates and race around the streets knocking over everything·

·Jumping off the tops of socs cars with the roller skates·

·Racing down hills and knocking each other over. Johnny and Ponyboy tried to stay out of the other guy's way·

·You were all pros by the end of the night·

I got this idea when I went roller skating yesterday for the first time in a few years. I sucked.

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