When They're Sick...

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This was another great request made by abc1238946 hope you enjoy it!



him wanting you to read to him.

You missing school to stay with him when Darry and Sodapop have to work

•Him wanting to cuddle with you, even though he is sick

You taking care of him and staying with him all day

•Him wanting to be spoon-fed soup•


•You taking him to your house to take care of him

You reading to him too

Making chocolate cake while he sleeps•

Cuddling him because you can't resist his puppy eyes

The whole gang coming to check on Johnny and eating all the chocolate cake


You have to make him rest•

He won't rest and he makes you dance with him

Telling him that if he doesn't lay down you won't cuddle with him

He finally sits down and falls asleep on you•

•The gang comes home to see you both asleep


You going to his house to take care of him•

His little sister and you 'doctoring' him up•

Watching a lot of Mickey Mouse with him•

You guys eating chocolate cake all day•

•Him cuddling with you all day•


Him completely denying he is sick and tries to go to work

Soda and you convince him to rest after he almost passed out

You take care of him and cook for him•

Him just wanting to kiss you all the time•

•You end up getting sick too, so you both stay home together


•"Never been sick never will be"

You try to stop him from fighting in a rumble•

He eventually got so sick he passed out in the middle of it

Him finally letting you take care of him•

Lots of arguments and kisses


He tries to go to work but then finally decides against it

He asked you to sing to him•

You take care of the house and fix dinner for the boys•

Him wanting you to stay the night with him

You helping Ponyboy with his homework•


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed it. I'll try to update at least every couple of days now.

Enjoy the sunset! -jo

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