The birds & The bees//gang imagine

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I got this idea from a headcannon I found I immediately thought up a whole story and then forgot to write it so here.

"Mrs. Matthews!!"
The young gang filed into the Matthews living room to see a very pregnant Mrs. Matthews.

"What a surprise!"
Mrs. Matthews exclaimed as she saw us all gather around her, as a 15 year old two-bit was trying to give his mother room as he was very protective of his mother.

"I heard that you got a baby in your stomach!" 11 year old Ponyboy exclaimed pointing at her stomach. I rolled my eyes at the obvious statement.

"Of course there is, and you still think it was put there by a 'magical fairy' Dally scoffed.

"It's not like YOU know how it got there Dally,"

Steve said crossing his arms.

"Now children, if you wanted to know the truth why didn't you just ask me?"

The gang for once in their life was silent as many of the older boy's faces went red.

"Sit, its about time you all know the truth."
Mrs. Matthews said as she sat down gently on the ragged sofa, clutching her stomach.

"Well as you all know, it first takes a mommy and a daddy to make a baby,"

Mrs. Matthews said getting right to the case.

The gang sat down uncomfortably, especially two-bit, who sat as far away from his mother as he could.

"And they need to be in love,"

"Yeah I think my parents were what you call a 'one night stand' then." Steve muttered.

Dally and Darry snickered.

"And then they have to sleep in a bed with each other right?"

Ponyboy said nudging Johnny.

Mrs. Matthews chuckled and said "not exactly..."

"Well it's a very intimate process in which-"

"Oh yeah guys! I once caught my parents wrestling in their bed with no clothes on. Apparently they like to practice,"

Sodapop said enthusiastically as the gang erupted into laughter.

Even Mrs. Matthews chuckled with her face beet red.

"Hell, I once heard moaning come from a car once and I tried to help, because I thought someone was in trouble...I had to wash my eyes after seeing that"

Steve said to the gang.

Mrs. Matthews interrupted, clearly uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation and said,
"long story short, the female parts interact with the males,"

"Ew!" I groaned

For some reason the gang doubled over laughing and even Two-bit and Johnny joined in.

"Cripes, I feel bad for your health teacher," Mrs. Matthews murmured. As she waddled away, praying she would have a girl.

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