Dance Party

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Y/N - Your name

Y/N was helping Darry make supper at the Curtis house for the whole gang. They were celebrating another rumble they had won. "What are you, a housewife now?" Steve said jokingly as he passed the kitchen. Y/N looked at Darry as they shared annoyed expressions. Y/N wet a dishrag and threw it at Steve who was sitting in the living room.

She returned to mashing the potatoes without a second thought but broke out laughing as Darry and her made eye contact. She heard someone turn on the radio and heard the end of jailhouse rock. "Ah dang it," she heard Sodapop say. "Here I can get the rest, thanks for the help Y/N," Darry said. "You too Johnny," Darry said to Johnny who had set the table earlier.

The radio switched to the song, "Sherry" which was a big hit nowadays. The boys in the living room started singing along and Two-bit (who was walking by) grabbed Y/N's hands and twisted her around. Then all the boys started teasing her by singing the song to her.

She joined in the singing as they danced with her. Darry even joined in at the very end, and lifted her on the table. Which took her by surprise. "Ah!" She said laughing as she danced on the coffee table.

They danced through a few more songs until a timer went off and Ponyboy said, "Well that's a way to get some exercise!" They all laughed and sat down at the table to eat together.

I find it funny the song the danced to was Sherry and they never sang it to Cherry before.

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