The Meeting (Part 1)

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(Y/N) - your name
(Y/b/f) -your best friend's name


You were working at the library after school today. You were bored out of your mind so you got out a book and started reading it while you were at the check-out counter. You thought back to the day when you had interviewed for the job, you were a greaser but had to dress up to appear as a soc. Eventually, you stopped caring and wore your usual jeans and a cardigan to work at the library now. You pushed up your glasses as you glanced around the library. A boy had entered. You recognized him from school. He was probably the smartest greaser at school. His name wasn't coming to you now so you continued reading. A few minutes later you looked up again and the boy was standing on the other side of the counter right in front of you. His hair was greased back and he wore an old sweatshirt. He held a copy of Gone with the wind. "Hi," he said snapping you out of your trance. "Oh hello, found a book already?" you asked as you put down your book and got out the stamp. "yeah, you're (y/n) right?" he asked. You didn't know he knew who you were so you just said "yeah," you stamped his book and tried hard to remember his name. "Ponyboy! Right?" You said proud of yourself. He chuckled, "yeah that's me. I think we're in the same grade too." You handed him back his book and nodded your head. "What book are you reading?" He asked as you opened your book up again. "Where the red fern grows. It's sad." You say. His eyes widened. "I love that book!" There was a pause. "Look I know we just met and all but I was wondering if you wanted to maybe hangout sometime?" He said avoiding eye contact. You thought about it and smiled. "Sure sounds fun." You get up and grab a piece of paper and pen and write your phone number down. "Maybe we can do something on friday." He took the paper and grinned. "Sure! I'll call you later!" He turned and dashed out of the library. You looked out the window to see him do a fist pump. You chuckled to yourself and daydreamed about friday.

It was past midnight, and you walked to the lot that was near to your house. You felt safer there than you did at your own home. You didn't get much attention, and when you did it was yelling. You arrived and went to a grassy area and sat down. You pulled your hood up and debated on starting a fire so late at night, but decided to since that night was chilly. You sat back and soaked in the warmth when you heard someone approach behind you. You leapt up and turned to run when you heard the figure speak. "D-don't runaway. I won't hurt you." The quiet voice said. You turned back around and kept your head down. You got a glance at the figure and saw it was a small, lean boy with brown eyes and long black greasy hair that hung over his eyes. "Mind if I join you?" He asked. You nodded keeping your hood up. You both sat down next to the fire staying quiet. "What's your name? I'm Johnny." He said while stirring the fire. "(Y/n)" you whispered. "That's a nice name. I didn't know if you talked or not." He said. Finally you looked up and pulled your hood down. You got a better look at him with his sad puppy eyes. "Do you have a bad home life too?" You said looking at him. He nodded looking at the fire. "Me too," you muttered. "I-I better go," you say standing up. He studied you. "You don't have to. I mean you can stay with me if you want," he said with his blush reflecting in the moonlight. "Are you sure?" He only nodded as he took off his jacket. "You can lay on it if you want." You felt bad taking it, but couldn't say no to those eyes. You both knew this was the start of something new for both of you as he scooted closer to you.

You were angry. The soc's had thought it would be funny to mess with your best friend when she was walking home. She had scratches when they pushed her into the neighbor's thorn bush, and bruises when they threw rocks at her and drove off. You didn't understand why they had to pick on her. Normally, they didn't pick on greaser girls, but for some reason they had chose to mess with (y/f/n). You had the perfect plan to get back on them. It probably wasn't the smartest, but you could get revenge. That's all that mattered.
You watched as the soc's all left to god only knows where, when you toon your chance. The mustang was hidden around the bend of the road, so no one could see you. You took out your supplies; A hammer, pocket knife, and weirdly enough, dead fish. You had heard about this trick before. First you got the fish out and hid then under the seats, then you used your pocket knife to shred the seats. Lastly, you took the hammer made sure no one was watching and then smashed the window. You quickly hid behind a tree and took in a sigh of relief. You chuckled to yourself as you stared down the road, but that ended when you heard yelling. "WHAT THE HELL? WHO DID THIS?!" You heard what was obviously a soc shout. Oh no. You ran for it. You looked back and they had noticed you. "Hey you! Get back here you greaser! You pulled up your hood and ran as fast as you could. They were on your trail, apparently they didn't want to drive their car, which would've made you laugh but considering the situation you didn't. Almost out of breath, you noticed the DX. You ran for it deciding to hide in there. When you got there you noticed a teenage boy at the counter but didn't get a good look at him. "Please, I was never here, okay?" You said as you ran out to the garage and slid under a car. It was probably a bad idea but you didn't care. You could hear voices. "Where is that hood?!" You could hear a soc shout. "I haven't seen anyone now get out of our shop!" The boy at the counter said. You heard someone in the garage go see all the commotion at the register. "Whatever, greasers." You heard the head soc mutter. You waited a little while longer until you heard the boy say, " You can come out now. They left." Slowly you dragged yourself out from under the car and found yourself covered in grease. "Here, lets get you cleaned up," the boy said as you looked up at him. Man he was good lookin' with golden brown greased back hair and twinkling brown eyes. He had a goofy grin as you looked up at him. "Thanks," you said returning the grin. "No problem," he said leading you passed the boy who's name tag read steve. He was built with the same greased hair. "What happened that made them that angry?" He asked as ge handed you a wet rag. You read his tag, Sodapop. Huh, it was unique. "Oh uh. They messed with my friend so I smashed their wind shield," you said proudly. Both boy's mouth's dropped when you said that. "Well thats the most impressive thing a girl around here has ever done." The guy named Steve said, walking over to you guys. Sodapop had a huge grin now, and glanced at Steve with a wink. "Say, I know we just met and all, but uh would ya wanna come to a rodeo with me on friday miss...?" "(Y/N)" you finished. "Yeah I guess I could since you saved my life and all." You left the DX heading to your friends house to tell her the whole story of revenge thinking, "I should smash windshields more often."

Ahhh! This took forever, but it was so fun to write! I'll do the others soon, so don't worry! Enjoy the sunset! ~jo

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