The Back Story (A/N)

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This is the back story to the truck imagine. If you wanna know what actually happened to me and my cousins on the golfcart, read this!

The Old Man who chases us.
So it was probably in the evening and me and my 6 other cousins took the golfcart out. How we fit in that golfcart I have no idea. But the eldest cousin, he was 15 at that time, drove and he was crazy sometimes and today we thought it would be smart to take a backroad. Well we went down the path that lead out of town and it was getting dark. But what did we care? So we round this corner and there is an old shed and we slow down to be stupid and try to ramp the ditch. We heard this sound that sounded like someone running toward us. We see this guy probably in his 70s who looked like a hermit. He was yelling curse words and we were screaming for our cousin to get the hell outta there. He had this spear like stick or maybe a broken pitchfork I don't know but he chucked it at us and I was on the back, and it landed right next to my foot making me scream. That night at my grandparents we didn't say anything until we were down in the basement (trying) to sleep. They were talking about what he was running at us with and who he was and then they talked about trying to find him the next day so he could 'pay' for what he did almost impaling my foot. So yeah I had fun with my 6 boy cousins and me trying to find that old man again the next day like idiots. Man we were stupid 😂

The kids at the park
We were probably a little bit younger, but my cousins could be real mean to other kids. We were just driving past the park and probably drifting around all these corners, when we run over this kids plastic shovel or ball (I don't remember) and of course we busted it and just took off down the street again laughing like morons. But this kid had a older brother with some friends (and in reality this kids older brother was like 13) we ranged from about 8 to 14, so no big deal. This kid had like 4 other friends and we stopped beside them while they were trying to act tough and intimidating but we were being idiots and just laughing while the oldest was trying to explain what happened. "You should keep your trash outta the street," the 10 year old one said. (I was 11) that did it for them. No idea why it wasn't that bad, but they shook the cart and we took off again, we were shoving them off and shooting off down the streets towards home. Then some goon threw his basketball at our cart and it dented it. We made them pay when we vandalized their bikes with paint and toilet paper. (Lol so mean right) we had to explain the dent to my Grandpa and he didn't really care. That golfcart was practically ours anyway, but Still!

Man I have had a lot of memories on that golfcart. We never had a radio on it, so me and the younger cousins were the ones who sang what the older ones requested. (You're welcome Ant and Bud and I guess you too Lenny) So yeah thats the story of me and my 6 idiot boy cousins. But I guess I was an idiot too as a kid. Hope y'all enjoyed.

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