Johnny//Faded Blue Pt. 1

226 4 3

Warnings: violence & language

Fantastic request by mxrii_xnn3 :)

"Oh would you look at that sky?"

Y/N gushed as she stared at the bright blue, mid-day sky as she laid in the grass of the lot.

"Nah it's a deep brown color,"
she heard Johnny, her lover next to her say.

"And when they shine whenever the light hits them just right."

Y/N blushed glancing at Johnny, who was staring at her in awe, before quickly giving him a shy peck on the cheek.

"Too bad global warming is gonna erase this beautiful sky if we don't quit polluting."

Y/N said, her smile fading away as she sat up and fumbled with the fringe on her bell-bottoms.

Johnny sat up next to her, putting a arm around her shoulder.

"This world needs more people like you."
He said softly into her ear.

"Yeah well being a flower child is either treated as a disgrace or as a trend. But, I'm not just doing it to be "hip" I truly want to flourish the earth where everyone can live in peace."

Johnny smiled happily at his girl. He never had met a girl who was as caring and devoted as y/n. He truly loved her enthusiasm. And just her.

Y/N twiddled a small flower between her fingers, immediately regretting picking such a beautiful plant.

"C'mon flower girl, I want you to be mine today. Not the earth's."

Y/N chuckled as Johnny looped his hand in her's, looking at her to make sure it was okay. To which, she nodded of course.

Y/N yawned, surprising Johnny, but causing him to yawn as well.

"Well...I guess we could take a nap. What better place than the soft grass? We got privacy, and shade!"

Y/N said smiling.

"Sounds relaxing."

Johnny said as he laid back, y/n doing the same as she rested her head on his chest.

The two fell asleep wordlessly, with smiles still etched on their faces.


Y/N felt herself jolt awake, to find herself alone. She had a weird sensation, wondering what woke her up just seconds before. She tried to remember her dream, but it was already a lost memory

The sky was dark now, almost pitch black and Johnny was no where to be seen.


Y/N called sleepily, getting no response.

She waited for a few minutes before finally deciding that he must've gone back to the Curtis house. But why would he have left her alone? That wasn't like him. Especially when it was dark and greasers know never to go roaming around at night by themselves undefended.

But nevertheless, she didn't know where else he would have gone. Surely, not back to his own home. If you could even call it that.

She stood up, stretched, and walked toward the Curtis house, down the street already imagining what Darry had made for supper.

Passing a abandoned side yard, she felt her feet tangle in an object in the grass. She lazily kicked at it, realizing it was a jacket of some sort.


She instinctively bent down, grabbing the jacket and examining it.

All at once the weird sensation flooded back, as she realized whose jacket it was.

And as soon as her eyes made out the dark, rust-colored mark on the jacket, all her brain could muster was one word.


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