Dating Sodapop Includes...

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Request by abc1238946

·Cuddling whenever you two can·
"Get a room you two!" Steve says rolling his eyes. You both don't care and keep cuddling on the Curtis couch.

·Him showing off you at the DX when other girls flirt with him·
Soda pulls you in for a passionate kiss and all the soc girls go silent and glare at you when Soda and you break apart. "That'll teach em," he says as he pulls you in for another kiss.

·Sneaking over to each other's house in the middle of the night·
You heard a tap on your window and peered outside to see sodapop motioning for you to open your window. You let him in and cuddled each other until you both fell asleep. You two also kick Ponyboy out at 1 am to sleep in Soda's room together. (Poor Ponyboy)

·Steve and you being buds·
"Hey wanna hang later with me a soda?"
"Yeah like I wanna be the third wheel," he says while shoving you playfully.

·Steve also being the one who introduced you two·
Steve looked between you two awkwardly as Soda gazed into your eyes.  "Earth to Soda?"

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