The Truck (Gang Imagine)

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When I was younger, me and my cousins would race around town on a golf cart. I'm going to base this imagine with events that happened with my cousins on the golf cart bit make it a truck instead. Anyway, Enjoy.

"Hey! Y'all wanna go on a ride in the truck?" Steve asked the gang while they were all bored one evening at the Curtis house. "Why not?" Soda said lookin' at the rest of the gang as they nodded their heads.

"I'll drive!" Steve yelled as Johnny hopped in the front with him. Y/N and the rest climbed into the back of the truck. "Y'all better sit down back here," Darry warned. There was no way we were listening to him.

Steve pulled out and roared down the street. "How bout' we see how fast this girl can go?" Two hollered mischievously to Steve. Steve responded with a smirk in the rearview mirror.

We pulled onto a dirt road outside of town, and took off. "Yee-haw!" Two yelled as Dally stood up. "Will you sit down?" Darry said.

"What the hell is that?" Dally said pointing to something as they slowed down. A figure was running towards them. Then a crazy old man came into view with a long stick in hand. "Holy shit!" Soda yelled. "Get outta here!" Dally yelled as the old man got closer.

Steve slammed on the gas as the screeched out of there. The old man threw the stick and it went into the back of the truck narrowly missing Y/N's foot. "What the-" Y/N yelled. "Watch it! Or we'll be back!" Pony yelled after the old man. "He can't hear you," Two said.

They went back to town, and saw a group of socs hangin' around the front of a diner. "Heya snobs!" Steve yelled out the window at them. The gang made gestures and laughed at them as they roared past. "Were gonna get it later," Johnny yelled. "Aw screw them," Dally answered back.

The socs started to chase them as we sped up, but that just made the gang laugh more.
"Lets stop at the DX. Cokes are on me boy's," Soda said as we all hollered. And headed to the DX.

The gang had a 'fun' time cleaning the truck after the socs vandalized it the next morning.
Yes we actually got chased by an old man and I almost got my foot impaled. And one time we riled up a bunch of kids at the park and they threw their basketball at our cart and got a dent in it. And then they vandalized it. We have been reported a lot to my Grandpa for drifting around town too. Sometimes I wonder how we didn't get caught by the sheriff.
Anyways, enjoy the sunset, Frankie (my actual name)

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