Johnny//Faded Blue - FINALE

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This takes place a few years later...


Y/N jolted up in her bed.

She looked around confused, until the details of her nightmare flooded back. Wiping, the sweat from her brow, she tried hard not to suppress a sob. Besides, it was just a dream...

But it was a dream that always seemed to find its way back into y/n's sub conscious. Especially after the horrible incident.

Though it was no longer the night she had found Johnny barely conscious and breathing, it was the night of the fire.
The church fire.

Y/N could still recall the sickening feeling she felt when Johnny and Ponyboy went on the run. And how the feeling grew a hundred times worse when she heard the news of the accident.

Y/n tried to push the horrid memory to the back of her mind, but she already felt tears streaming down her cheeks as her throat went tight.

She hated to cry.
She knew how Johnny had always hated to see her cry. Trying her best, she calmed herself down, thinking of all the people she was glad to have in her life.

Gazing around the room, she saw the growing moon, brightening up the room.
Her eyes trailed the beam of moonlight to the small desk on the other side of the room.

There on the chair, was the old faded blue denim jacket of Johnny's. It's color faded so much, it looked white in the dimly lit room. The image left a small smile on Y/n's face.

She slipped out of bed and grabbed the jacket, inhaling its scent. She felt relaxation take over her body. She climbed back in the bed, with the jacket snuggled close.

Even if it wasn't the softest thing to sleep with, it made her eyelids close, and her worries wash away.

But before she could fall asleep, the door to her bedroom was pushed open, rather roughly, causing her to quickly sit up yet again.

"Oh dear, did I wake you? I thought I heard crying."

Y/N instantly recognized the sweet sound of a voice she knew all too well.

"Oh I'm quite fine now that you're here Johnnycakes."

Y/n said as her husband quickly walked towards her, accepting her into his arms.

"Oh good, I hate those nightmares of yours, I wish I could take them away. Do you need anything?"

"No. Just you."

They parted to smile at each other, but before they could share a kiss, an object popped up between them, scaring them both.

Johnny gently picked up the "object" otherwise known as y/n and Johnny's four year old son, whom they named Dallas.

Y/N laughed a bit after she saw who caused the disturbance, as she took Dally from Johnny to hug him to her chest.

"Can I sleep in here Dad? I wanna keep Mommy safe too."

Johnny smiled, nodding, which making y/n giggle.

Dallas said climbing under the covers next to y/n.

"Good night mommy."
Dally said looking up at y/n, his brown eyes showing a resemblance to his father's.

"Good night love."
She responded rester her head on the pillow, as Johnny joined on the other side of Dallas.

He smiled briefly before flinching, as he reached underneath him to uncover his old denim jacket.

"What's this doing here?" He asked, smirking slightly as y/n blushed.

"It still brings me comfort, but having you here is way better."

Y/n grinned, as Johnny chuckled softly, gently leaning forward to kiss her, but being careful of Dallas.

"I don't know where I would be without you," Johnny said sighing softly.

"And I'm just fine not knowing."
Y/n breathed out, brushing a piece of Johnny's hair behind his ear.

"I love you sweetheart,"
Johnny whispered.

"Oh, and I love you."

They smiled at each other tiredly, lying in the stillness of the night, with the soft breathing coming from Dally between them.

"Hey Johnny?"

"Hm?" He hummed in response.

"I actually might need something,"

Johnny perked his head up to gaze down at her.

"What is it?"
He asked concerned.

Y/n could help but grin as she said,

"A little girl?"


I hoped you guys enjoyed this little mini series! If you have any requests lemme know-

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