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We sat in the living room with me in a recliner. I was going to Hell again. I closed my eyes and focused.
"Castiel, right?" I heard. "You're back. It's been a while."
"Hello, Lucifer. We went on a hunt. We killed a werewolf. Now terminate the boy's deal."
"Nub-uh-uh. We're gunna chat first, Cassie. How was it?"
"How was what? The hunt? Fine."
"Anything happen?" He pressed.
"Sam accidentally shot Dean when aiming at the werewolf eating him."
"Yes, but I saved him."
"Oh goody. Now down to business. How did you feel when Dean was dying in front of you?"
"I don't understand."
"Yes you do! What were your feelings? Were you scared and panicked? Or were you happy and laughing?"
"Of course I was scared... He was getting killed. Right in front of me."
"And how about when he held your hand (or squeezed I should say) in the Impala?"
"How did you know about that?"
"I have some spies out Cassie."
"Then why did you ask me about what happened?"
"Because I wanted to see what you would tell me. Now, what did you feel when he touched you?"
"I don't know."
"Yes you do! Stop lying to me and to yourself!"
"Affection. I felt affection." I admitted it. I had growing feelings for Dean. As an Angel in a male vessel, I had growing, homosexual feelings for Dean Winchester.
"Ha! I knew it. I just needed to hear you say it. You can go back to being human now. I don't know why you would want to honestly. I'll terminate the contract after one more thing. After this thing... You won't need to visit me. I'll have my right hand man talk to you about the contract. Before that however..."
"That's not part of the deal. You said to go on a hunt. We went on a hunt. Now give the boy back his life."
"No Castiel. Where's the fun in that. I only have two tasks for you. Go back to being a petty human and let your feelings grow. Just let yourself love him. Trust me Cas."

I open my eyes to find three sets staring right back.
"Well?" Kevin yelled. "What's happening!"
"Dude, chill." Sam said patting him on the back.
"Uh, you're free..." I said. I was lying and I didn't know why.
"That's great." Dean said getting up to get coffee.
"Yeah, great." I said weakly.
"Well, Kevin and I are going bowling with a few friends and Jess. We'll see you later. I'll be home by ten. Thanks Castiel." Sam smiled at me and headed towards the door with the speechless Kevin following him. I snapped back to reality, realizing I was staring into space.
"Cas, this is really awesome... What you've done to help. Thanks. I know being an Angel is definitely not on your to do list, but you did it for us. Thanks." He walked over sitting in front of me and placing his hand on my knee.

I had noticed Dean's eyes before. I knew they were green. However, in the bright lighting of his living room, they turned into an amazing emerald green that glowed. I couldn't stop myself from staring at them. Memorizing them. It took me a second to notice that they grew in size, getting closer.

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