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I heard Dean come home late at night. I didn't look at my alarm so I wasn't sure. I got up and went to the kitchen for water. Dean was there standing over the sink with a glass of water as well. He was swaying a little. I opened the cupboard and made enough noise for him to notice me. He turned around.
"Hey Sammy. Sorry if I woke you. Didn't mean to." He was drunk. But not to badly.
"Did you drive home?" I asked.
"No. Of course not. I'm not that stupid. Even when I'm a little tipsy."
"A little." I muttered.
I took my glass and filled it up. Well, see you tomorrow. I have school and by the looks of it, you're not going to work tomorrow.
"Shit. I forgot about work. How could you let me go out drinking like this Sammy?" He asked playfully. "Nah, I've got enough overtime. It will just transfer into actual hours. So I'm covered."
"Okay we'll have a good day tomorrow. I'm gunna go back to bed now..."

I woke up at six forty-five. I had slept in a little bit but it was okay. I could walk to school before the first bell. It was starting to warm up outside lately. Spring break was coming up too. I left my jacket at home.

"Hey." I heard from behind me. I turned and saw my friend Kevin. Him and I were both the top of our class, but we weren't complete nerds. Well I felt like I wasn't at least. All Kevin seemed to talk about these days was Princeton. How he had to write an amazing admissions letter and such. I wanted into Stanford. Law was what I wanted to continue in.
"Hey so, a couple of the guys are coming over next weekend for a study session. You in?" Kevin asked.
"Yeah I'm in. My dad will be gone by then, so Dean will be cool with it too."
"Dude, your brothers so cool. I wish I had an older brother to live with and not my crazy mom."
We headed to our AP math class. I was glad I wouldn't have to take math in my senior year. Kevin and I were advanced enough to have the last math class in our junior year. We were also acing it.

I walked to my locker where Jess was leaning against.
"Hey." She said pulling me in for a kiss. She wasn't afraid to kiss I front of the whole school. It made me a little uncomfortable though. I still did it for her. Sometimes we got disgusted looks. Other times we got looks of jealousy.
We talked until the second bell rang then we went our separate ways.

During English I was to distracted to pay attention to the teacher. I get wondering why it was such a big deal for Dad to need Deans help with work. The 'no pay' part I understood, but everything else? It's not like Dad asked him to kill a person. Then when Dean snapped. I was starting to have my suspicions of a different story.

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