Chapter 2

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Fifth year

After the Triwizard Tournament, Cedric was severely injured from a killing curse that wasn't strong enough to kill him but did leave him injured. Cedric spent half of the summer break in St. Mungos with Adeline next to his bedside every day. 

Over the summer with You-Know-Who being back, a lot of people, mostly the ministry, don't believe the "rubbish" Harry and Dumbledore say. The Order of The Phoenix got reformed and Julianne and Amos were a part of the original order and now the current. 

After Cedric was released from St. Mungos, Adeline and Cedric stayed at the Diggory Manor and when it got closer and closer to term, they both then moved to the 12 Grimmauld Place where the Weasleys, Harry, and Sirius had lived for the time being. 

They all now were packed and ready to start their fifth year at Hogwarts. And specifically, Harry was hoping for a quiet year but of course, that wasn't going to happen after the 4 had an eventful past 4 years. Since Cedric has been released from St. Mungos, The Daily Prophet had been going after him as well and mainly saying Cedric was only sent to St. Mungos for publicity. 

The train ride to Hogwarts was quiet since they, more specifically Harry, were getting dirty looks since most people believed The Daily Prophet over Harry and Cedric. Getting off the train wasn't the easiest as well since the one and only Draco Malfoy came around to torment Harry.

"Can't believe the Ministry is letting you walk around free Potter, I suspect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it," Draco smirked at Harry wanting to get a reaction from Harry.

"YEAH WELL JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Harry yelled lunging forward but Ron was quick to grab him back. Draco and his goons laughed walking away. Adeline looked up and saw Theodore looking at her almost with an apologetic face, she made eye contact and quickly looked away.

"Harry you know Draco says things to hopefully make you go mad, try to ease up a little, I know it's hard but just try please", Adeline told Harry grabbing his hand. 

Over years, Harry and Adeline started an amazing sibling relationship, Adeline knew Harry best, and Harry knew Adeline best. Everyone for a long time assumed they were dating since they had such a platonic friendship but they were nothing more than best friends who also considered themselves as each other's siblings.

"I know I know Addi. It's just difficult from getting told I'm a liar then basically getting kept in the dark all summer and now it's getting worse here." Harry started getting angry at everything and he couldn't understand why but he had more and more outbursts moments. They were walking up to the carriages and Harry noticed the horse-looking things pulling the carriage, "Hey Ron what is that, that pulling the carriage?" Ron looked at Harry as if he was crazy but also confused.

"What are you on about? The carriages are pulling themselves like they always have been," Ron said looking at Harry wondering if he was okay. 

Adeline couldn't see them but knew of course Harry was talking about. Thestrals. She felt terrible since Harry at a year old had seen his mother die in front of him but also found it idd as Harry had seemed to barely just notice them. Her thoughts were cut off by an angelic voice.

"I can see them too, you're just as sane as I am." She pulled The Quibbler down from in front of her face and Adeline recognized her as Luna Lovegood, a fourth-year Ravenclaw. They all sat in the carriage with her along with Neville who tagged along with them.

"Everyone this is Loony Love-" Hermione started. Adeline's face was shocked at Hermione since she was making fun of Luna just like how everyone else did but Adeline liked Luna, she liked how different she was and didn't care about the input of others, unlike Adeline who struggled with insecurities more and more as she got older.

"Hermione, you wouldn't like it if people made fun of you more like the Slytherins for your blood status and call you you know what in front of you!" Adeline snapped, it wasn't a shock that Adeline snapped at her friends even at Hermione who considered Adeline as a sister. "Her name is Luna Lovegood, fourth-year Ravenclaw, friends with Ginny and her father is the editor of The Quibbler." 

Luna was shocked that Adeline ever knew about her since Luna was a quiet person with not many friends but that didn't mean she didn't go unnoticed by Adeline. The carriage ride was then quiet with small talk here and there among the lot.

They all then walked into The Great hall for the feast, they all ate and Harry was the most uncomfortable with all the glares he was given and barely touched his dinner. Adeline noticed this and grabbed his hand under the table trying to make him calm. Harry then started to eat his dinner again but Cedric caught his eye as he saw Cedric not eating as well and just staring at his plate occasionally laughing with his friends. He nudged Adeline and pointed towards Cedric, HE  felt eyes on him and saw Adeline and he put on a smile acting as if he was okay. 

But Adeline knew he wasn't, Cedric always tried to make his sister not worry about him, it's something he's been doing since Adeline was a baby and he was a toddler. She got up and walked towards Cedric at the Hufflepuff table, it was often they would sit at each other's house table to eat so it wasn't a surprise to anyone.

"What's wrong Ced don't say anything and that you're fine because you're not", she said sitting down. Cedric looks down at his sister knowing he couldn't lie anymore.

"It's just hard coming back after what happened and then getting called liars, having the Head Boy position taken away from me because 'last year and summer was difficult for me but I'm here and I'm fine, I just wish the one time I wanted wasn't taken away from me, Lin." Adeline was shocked to hear the use of the old nickname that Cedric used all the time throughout their childhood but it brought back memories she had and a huge smile was on her face.

"I know you very hard from quidditch captain to prefect but at least you still are quidditch captain and you can show them what type of amazing quidditch captain you are despite what happened last year, you're still you, the amazing protected, sometimes annoying well actually really anno-"

"Don't finish that sentence or else I will be more and more annoying." They both looked at each other and started laughing. "And thank you Lin means a lot you still believe in me, now go back to your house table we can talk later." Cedric hugged Adeline and then ruffled her hair knowing she hates it when he does that. She shot him a glare and then left to go sit back next to Harry.

What no one saw was the way Theodore Nott smiled upon the interaction between Adeline and Cedric, Theodore wishing himself he had a sibling or at least a friend and not having to fake anything with them. Dumbledore then rose from his chair to do his yearly speech.

"Good evening all and welcome back, now I am pleased to introduce your new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge-"

"She looks like a toad", the twins, Harry and Ron sniggered at Adeline's comment while Hermione scolded her. Adeline shrugged her shoulders and then zoned out and started fidgeting with her fingers. 

Something Adeline does often is due to her anxiety that sticks at random times. Harry notices little things about when she starts to have her anxiety start-up since she's either zoned out or fidgeting with her fingers and whenever Harry notices, he grabs her hand and starts rubbing circles in the back of her hand to calm her. When Adeline was calm again, Umbridge's speech was over then Hermione spoke.

"It means the ministry is interfering at Hogwarts." Everyone stayed quiet for a minute then Ron was the first to break into conversation. 

Adeline looked up and again for the second time, she locked eyes with the blue eyes she seemed to enjoy getting lost in but they were owned by none other than the infamous Theodore Nott, she looked away and soon everyone went up to their house tower for the night. 

Hermione and Adeline immediately went into their dormitory to get ready for bed. They were exhausted but Hermione read her books for a little bit while Adeline went straight to bed wondering about the events that would happen on their first day back at classes. 


I know I know, Harry sees thestrals from Cedric's death but I wanted to keep Cedric alive so :)

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