Chapter 61

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The Unexpected

The days flew by fast as Adeline was beyond excited but also nervous. She had a bad feeling in her stomach but ignored it.

It seemed like she was 15 again getting nervous about her first date with Theodore but she was now newly 20.

It was the beginning of December and Adeline's birthday had passed on Sunday.

A small dinner was held at the Diggory Manor and was just the Weasley's, Diggory's, Hermione, and Sophia's.

Adeline invited Theodore and Draco but both couldn't come due to being out of town for the weekend for work. Theodore assured her that they would be back Friday morning.

Leading to now, Friday.

The morning flew by quickly and Adeline was dropping off Teddy at Hermione's since Ron has requested to watch him so he could get better with kids.

"How are you feeling?" Hermione asked as Adeline was putting Teddy's bag down.

"Nervous but excited!" Adeline said with a grin.

"Call me to tell me everything please!" Hermione laughed.

"You will be the first I'll call- actually I will do a group call with you, Sophia, and Allison since they want all the details as well," Adeline said.

"Brilliant! The 4 of us haven't talked as much," Hermione replied with a small smile.

"We've all been busy Mione, Allison just got married, Sophia and you with work, and me with Teddy. We all are adulting but still make time for each other," she hugged Hermione as the two had a happy moment together.

Before Ron ruined it.


"Well that's my cue," Adeline laughed, "And he isn't a menace, Teddy just isn't Ron's biggest fan,"

"No kids like Ron but he's hoping for Teddy to like him," Hermione smiled, "Go have fun! Wear something cute!"

"I'll call you later," Adeline said blushing.


It was 4 when Adeline started getting ready and her nerves started to kick in.

She thought back and was amazed at how almost 4 years ago, her 20-year-old self going through the same nerves.

She knew she still loved Theodore, he was there for her for everything, and he knew her like the back of his hand but then again a lot can in 2 years.

She shook the nerves off, got out of the shower, and looked into her closet.

After want seemed like forever, she settled on a black turtleneck with long sleeves, a white skirt, and a pair of black boot heels.

She was almost done getting ready, she finished her makeup and curled her hair but she was pinning some of her front pieces back when a hard knock came from her front door.

She frowned staring at the time,


He's pretty early, she thought but when she opened the door, her smile faltered.

"Draco?" Adeline asked confused and even more confused when she saw other people behind him, "Blaise? Astoria? What are you all doing here?" She awkwardly laughed but the feeling came back again.

Astoria gave her a small smile, "Can we come in?"

"Erm yeah," she said moving out of the way so the 3 could come in.

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