Chapter 26

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Meeting dinner

"So where is everyone?" Theodore asked as he and Adeline were cooking.

It was now August 2 and also the day Theodore was going to officially be meeting Julianne and Amos and as well as her brothers now finding out the two are dating.

"I kicked everyone out until dinner," Adeline said as she was mixing the vegetables in the pot on the stove.

"Lower the heat a bit and add the butter Addi," Theodore said, glancing at the stove and then going back to cutting up the fruit. "So it's just your parents? Other Diggory and Potter aren't going to be here, right?" Theodore asked.

"Well..." Adeline said trailing off.

Theodore groaned, "But they don't know we're dating?"

"No, Harry suspected something but I just told him that I will tell him with everyone else," Adeline said then turned off the stove and then moved to mix the meat with the vegetables.

"Are you scared?" Adeline asked.

"Not really but at the same time I am given my last name," Theodore said, keeping his gaze on the fruit in front of him.

Adeline stopped and turned to look at him, "Theodore," she called out and he frowned. Adeline never called him by his full name unless it was serious. He looked up and blue was met with blue, "I told you before, you aren't responsible for your father's actions, you aren't your father, may have the same last name but you aren't him." Adeline said, smiling at him.

Theodore smiled back but his mind was thinking, Adeline may not see him as his father but he was slowly turning into his father and it was not by choice. "Sorry, just nerves." Theodore chuckled.

"Nothing to be sorry about." Adeline laughed.

The food was just about all done and Adeline and Theodore then went into her room to get dressed.

"Is that what you're wearing?" Adeline questioned as she and Theodore were standing in her closet.

"No?" Theodore questioned looking down at his clothes. It was a simple white shirt and blue corduroy jeans paired with white sneakers.

"I told everyone to dress fancier but not too fancy but also not casual," Adeline said looking through her dresses.

"Well, I kinda didn't bring any other clothes..." Theodore trailed off.

"Don't worry I do," Adeline said nonchalantly.

Theodore frowned, "You have my clothes?"

"Oh no I'm saying I could take one of Harry's shirts, he doesn't use most of them." Adeline said now looking at Theodore, "I'll just take some jeans to..." Adeline said walking out of the closet and to Harry's room.

Theodore took it upon himself to pick Adeline's dress seeing as she was picking out clothes for him. He quickly picked out a light lavender floral flowy dress and paired it with simple white vans.

"I found something that goes great with your shirt and jeans," Adeline said walking back in and throwing a flannel to Theodore. It was a mix of yellow, white, blue, and brown plaid patterns, he quickly slipped it on as Adeline quickly changed in the closet.

"You look beautiful." Theodore breathed out as Adeline walked out of the closet. Adeline blushed and looked down which caused Theodore to smirk.

"You don't look too bad yourself Theo but here let me," Adeline said walking towards Theodore and rolling up the sleeves of the flannel. "There." Adeline smiled and Theodore bent down to kiss her lips.

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