Chapter 75

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"I'm really not able to know where we are going?" Adeline groaned into Theodore's chest as he carried her bridal style.

"No! Where is the fun in that Darlin," he smirked.

"Well I packed for every occasion possible so I know it will all be good," she smiled as Theodore set her down in her apartment.

"Let's go get dressed so we can leave," he smiled as he followed her into the room.

"It's not fair," she sang out as he laughed at her.

"Honestly I keep one thing from you and you feel like the world is going to fall apart," he joked as he began to undress.

"Shut up and help me unzip my dress," she said as she blushed upon seeing him shirtless.

She didn't know why she was so flustered over his half-naked appearance, she had seen him shirtless so many times before but this time was different.

"Looking red are we?" he whispered to her ear and Adeline could practically hear his smirk.

"Seems lately I have been," she responded as she shivered against his fingers moving up and down her body.

"Well we have a plane to catch," he said as he left her side to change into his clothes.

"I hate you," she said as she changed into comfy clothes.

"You love me," he grinned and she rolled her eyes and laughed.


As the couple landed, Adeline immediately fell in love with the country as she looked around as soon as they stepped out of the airport.

"It's beautiful," she said in awe as she looked around.

"This is barely anything love," he smiled, "Welcome to Greece."

"We're in Greece?!" she exclaimed as he nodded, "I love you so so so much Theodore Nott!" she grinned as she threw her arms around him and kissed his cheek.

"Let's go to our home for the week," he said as he looked at her in awe. Once in the car, Adeline never once talked as she took everything in front of her and Theodore took everything in front of him. To him, it was her.

Every time he looked at her, he felt like he was falling in love over and over again with her.

They stayed in Santorini, Greece which was an island in the country. To the homes, to the beaches, Adeline was in love.

"Here we are!" Theodore exclaimed as they stepped out of the car to the place they were staying for the week.

It was a home that was secluded from the main city and had the most beautiful view of the beach.

"Merlin!' she said as she squealed and ran towards the home, "Theo!" she called and he smirked before he as well ran towards the home with her.


"This is everything," she smiled as she looked around.

"Would you like to live here?" he asked.

She stood quiet as she pondered in thought, it was a beautiful country but she couldn't see herself living here.

She shook her head as she stared at him, "No but this is beautiful."

"We should bring Teddy here, he would love being next to the beach," he commented as he placed their bags down into the bedroom.

"Teddy would love any place we bring him," she laughed.

"I love you," he whispered as he kissed her.

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