Chapter 36

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Christmas Pt.1

Adeline woke up on Christmas morning being squished. She picked up her head and saw the mess that was now in her room and all the memories came back.

The 3 of them partied.

The 3 are Adeline, Harry, and Cedric.

Adeline groaned and stretched purposely causing Cedric and Harry to get kicked off the bed.

Adeline laughed when she heard the 2 brothers groaning in pain.

"That wasn't necessary."

"You could've tapped us to wake us up."

"And where's the fun in that? Now boys-"

"HAPPY CHRISTMAS!" Harry and Cedric both jumped on the bed to attack Adeline.

"Merlin! You both are heavy." Adeline grumbled.


"Take that back-"

"Good morning my beautiful children! How are we?" Julianne said coming into the room.

"Brilliant!" Harry said.

"Fantastic!" Cedric smiled.

"I can't bloody breathe," Adeline said, making Julianne widen her eyes as she saw her boys squishing her little girl.

"Merlin! Harry James Potter-Diggory and Cedric Amos Diggory! Get off your sister!" Julianne exclaimed.

"Mom! You didn't have to hit us with the government names." Harry said as he and Cedric got off of Adeline.

"Well how amazing, I can breathe again!" Adeline said, getting up again.

"3 of you in the main living room in 15 minutes for presents!" Julianne said walking out of the room. "OH! And clean this room before you go down."

The 3 siblings looked at each other and simultaneously snapped their fingers and the mess was gone.

"Well, we have about 13 minutes to get ready, and don't forget the pajamas!" Adeline said as she got up and pushed her brothers out of the room.

She quickly changed and went to the bathroom to sit in front of her vanity.

"What am I going to do with you?" Adeline said to herself as she was brushing her hair.


"And she's finally here," Cedric said as he sat down on the floor of the living room.

"It amazes me how you're almost 20 and still act like you're 11." Adeline teased as she sat on the floor beside her siblings.

"What's this year's theme?" Amos asked, carrying a big tray of waffles and pancakes.

"Plain colored strips," Harry answered getting up to help Julianne with the plates and cups.

"Ahhh you 3 look like triplets," Amos smirked.


"That's such a rude thing to say!"

"Cedric and guys say it like you're not already siblings..." Julianne trailed off, making the whole family laugh.

"Well let's get on with the presents!" Cedric said getting up to get ready to pass out presents.


Later on in the day, the Diggorys were getting ready to go to The Borrow for Christmas dinner. Adeline settled to wear some plain blue mom jeans with a white tank and dark gray cardigan on top. She was finishing up curling her hair as Harry stumbled into her bathroom and lay down on the couch.

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