Chapter 47

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Horcrux Hunting

Hermione was freaking out, to say the least.

Harry was knocked out

Adeline's body had hit a bunch of rocks

And Ron had gotten splinched and his arm was bleeding.

She quickly checked Adeline since she landed on rocks and didn't see any visible bleeding so she quickly moved to Ron and panicked.

Ron was deeply in pain and Hermione didn't know what to do. She was applying pressure to the wound and then remembering about the dittany.

She saw Harry getting up and immediately was relieved, "Harry! Harry!"

Harry was extremely confused about where they were as he looked around but Hermione cut off his thoughts.

"Harry! Get the bottle of dittany! It's in my bag!" She shouted as Ron was now moaning in pain.

Harry looked around for the Horcrux first since it wasn't in his hand and was relieved to find it and now was looking through Hermione's bag. He was struggling since he seemed to be pulling everything out except for the dittany.

"Hurry!" Hermione shouted at the boy as he accioed the dittany.

Harry rushed to give it to Hermione, "What happened to him?" he asked.

"He got splinched, Yaxley followed us to the Grimmauld Place so I apparated us here," she spoke as she unscrewed the bottle, "This might sting," she said before pouring droplets of the dittany on Ron's wound.

"Where's Adeline?" Harry asked in a panic.

"Over there," Hermione looked up in the direction of where Adeline was laying, "She's fine, just knocked out, she will wake up soon, I need you to hold Ron down," She said frustrated since Ron was moving around from the pain.

Adeline's eyes slowly fluttered open and the two things she was met with were uncomfort and looking at the sky before her. She looked around and saw the bushes and trees surrounding her.

When she turned her head to the left, she saw Harry holding Ron down who was moaning in pain, and Hermione pouring droplets of something from a bottle.

But she was in deep pain, she slowly started to get up and that's when the pain in her back escalated even more. She moved her hand to feel her back to try to feel what was wrong and she wanted to scream in pain.

Adeline's eyes were getting watery and when she moved her hand away from her back, she saw her fingertips covered in blood. She then reached her back under her shirt and when she saw her hand again, it was all covered in blood.

"Harry..." Adeline called out in fear.

Harry and Hermione turned both in relief that she was okay, but she was indeed not. Their eyes immediately fell to her hand covered in blood.

Adeline moved her eyes from her hand to look at them and the next thing she knew, she passed out again.

Harry immediately left Hermione and ran to Adeline, "Adeline no no no no no wake up please wake up," he said as he shook the girl.

"Harry look to see if she has any more injuries," Hermione called out.

"You said she was okay! That she was fine!" Harry shouted in anger as he rolled Adeline to her side to see her back and how injured she was.

"I thought she was!" Hermione defended herself, "I didn't see any blood or anything!"

"Go help her," Ron said weakly.

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