Chapter 50

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Any guesses as to what part of the plot twist is gonna be 😉

I guarantee none of you would guess it right.

Adeline panicked as he quickly realized that she didn't have a good grip on Hermione and slipped from her grasp.

3 figures apparated as soon as Harry and Hermione disapparated.

Fenrir Greyback

Bellatrix Lestrange

And Voldemort.

"They got away again!" Voldemort yelled as he looked around the room.

Bellatrix started cackling and Fenrir had a smile on his face as the two noticed who was left behind.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Little Miss Diggory," Bellatrix laughed more as she made Voldemort look and made eye contact with her.

But before the 3 got towards her.

Adeline disapparated,

The one place she knew she could go where she could get help,

In Hogsmeade.


Adeline quickly pulled up her hood as stood and immediately ran to the door and knocked.

She was scared someone would easily find her considering she is number 2 desirable.

No one came to the door at the first couple of knocks but then she remembered what Regulus said.

Knock to the syllables of the school song of Hogwarts.

Adeline hummed as she knocked and after the first couple of knocks, the door immediately opened.

"Hurry up," The voice said to which Adeline ran in and walked into what seemed to be the kitchen.

She turned and immediately recognized the man, she only spoke to him once when she was ordering butterbeer but she knew the man and could easily mistake him for someone else.

The man spoke, "Hello Adeline, I am-"

"Aberforth Dumbledore, you're Albus Dumbledore's younger brother," She cut him off looking at him confused.

Aberforth smiled at the girl and quickly excused himself and walked into the way of his bar.

This gave Adeline the chance to look around and try to figure out why she was told she could trust the man with anything.

She heard a door close and she turned and started walking slowly to the door as she did hear some shuffling on the inside and as she was about to open the door-

"Don't go in there, that room is strictly prohibited," Aberforth said walking back into the kitchen and setting a bowl of soup in front of her along with some bread, fruit, and butterbeer. She glanced at the food then once again to the man, "You most likely haven't had a proper meal in months."

Adeline said nothing and walked towards the table as Aberforth sat down in front of her with a butterbeer of his own.

"You can trust me, Adeline, I just want to talk then I can help you," He gave the girl a soft smile.

Adeline said nothing and nodded as she sat down and she nonverbally checked the food to make sure it was clean and satisfied as the air around it turned green, she started eating.

"I admire the precaution you take," Aberforth commented as he hoped for a response back from her.

"Well you can't really blame me can you, anything nowadays, especially in these times," she said as she put her back in the side and out of her hands, "So what did you want to talk about?"

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