Chapter 4

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After dinner, Harry and Adeline walked to Umbridge's office in silence, a comforting silence between the two since that was what they just needed. Harry was dealing with getting told he was a liar and trying to get attention, while Adeline was trying her best to cheer both Cedric and Harry and she had to do that a lot despite it only being the first day. Harry then decided to break the silence.

"So you and Nott huh?" In all honesty, Harry didn't mind if Adeline started to become friends with Theodore Nott. Theodore never did any harm or said anything to Harry or their friend group. Theodore was just another person in Draco Malfoy's friend group that kept his head down.

"There is no me and Nott, we just bump into each other and have a friendly conversation," Adeline said confused at what Harry was trying to get at.

"Yeah well friendly conversations don't end up with the other person staring at you the whole class trying to see if you're alright," Harry smirked knowing Adeline had no clue that Theodore was indeed looking at her the whole class time, not caring if he'd gotten in trouble with Umbridge again.

"Oi shove off Harr- oh how brilliant we're here." After a moment of standing outside of Umbridge's office, Adeline spoke again, "You knock."

"No you do it."

"No! Just knock"


"Oh for Merlins sak-"

"Come in." Harry and Adeline froze, looking up to see Umbridge sitting at her desk drinking tea. Harry practically pushed Adeline in. "Good evening Miss. Diggory and Mr. Potter, sit." Adeline looked all around the room and thought does she not own enough pink? 

"You'll both be doing lines today," She stopped for a moment smirking while Adeline and Harry went to reach for their quill but she stopped them, " Oh that won't be necessary, you both will be using a rather special quill of mine." Adeline saw Umbridge smiling and almost vomited from staring at her face for so long. 

Umbridge grabbed 2 quills and set them on Adeline and Harry's desk. "Now Mr. Potter, you will write, I must not tell lies, and Miss. Diggory, you will write, I must not make others late." Adeline frowned but before she could question, Umbridge spoke again, "Ahh yes I don't appreciate you making Mr. Nott late to my class." Adeline was going to speak again but Harry nudged her giving her a look pleading to not say anything.

"How many times?" Umbridge smirked.

"How about until it sinks in." She said plastering a huge grin on her face. Adeline started writing and when she was about to write her third line, she gasped looking at her left hand and seeing how the words written on the parchment in front of her, were now getting cut into her hand. She then realized what type of quill it was.

Blood quill.

She looked at Harry who stopped writing, looking at his and Adeline's hands until Umbridge spoke yet again.

"Anything wrong?" Harry and Adeline stayed quiet, Harry looking straight ahead to the wall and Adeline looking down at her head trying to not cry from the pain. "That's right, nothing because deep down you know it's all nothing, keep writing." 

40 minutes passed and Adeline couldn't help the silent tears coming down her face, she tried so hard to not make any sound or hint of her crying but it didn't seem to work. Another 20 minutes passed and Umbridge finally told them to stop writing, she asked to see both their hands and then smirked, "Let this be a lesson for you both, now go on to your common room." Except they wouldn't be going to the common room. 

Well, at least not Adeline.

When Adeline walked out, she couldn't help the sobs that left her mouth. Harry immediately pulled out the marauder's map looking for a particular person.

Cedric Diggory.

It wasn't that Harry didn't know or want to comfort her, he did want to, it broke his heart that his best friend was in pain. But whenever Adeline was in pain or upset, she always wanted Cedric. 

It's not that she didn't want her friend's comfort, she always just felt safer with Cedric and it helped almost make it seem everything was okay even if he was just comforting her for 5 minutes. Harry then guided Adeline to the Hufflepuff tower. 

She couldn't help sobbing more and more as the pain became unbearable for her. When they reached the tower, Alex Abbott, a seventh-year who was friends with Cedric had just come back from what seemed to be the kitchens. He took one glance at Adeline and nodded at Harry already knowing to get Cedric.

Cedric walked out confused but once he saw a crying Adeline, he was angry. He looked at Harry for an explanation but Harry mouthed 'blood quill', showed Cedric his hand, and pointed at Adeline's left hand. Cedric nodded and brought Adeline into the Hufflepuff common room and up to his dorm.

It wasn't an odd thing seeing Adeline in the Hufflepuff common room since she was there almost often and slept in her brother's dorm often as well. Cedric grew used to her always coming unexpectedly so he always had extra clothes Adelines in his dorm. Extra cloaks, extra white button-up shirt, extra skirt, extra sleepwear, almost everything.

 Adeline sat on Cedric's bed and started sobbing yet again but this time into Cedric's chest. Cedric hugged his little sister rubbing her back to try and take the pain away. "Go change into some pajamas, they're in your drawer and you know where the bathroom is." Adeline nodded and went to go change. When she came back sitting on Cedric's bed, he took her left hand and whispered 'Tergeo' then 'Ferula'.

Adeline looked up with tears in her eyes still and said, "Thank you Ced."

"Of course, Lin, now go to sleep but wake me up if you have any pain okay." Adeline nodded and lay down, Cedric then kissed her on her bed and went back to reading. Adeline was fast asleep when her head hit the pillow. 

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