Chapter 63

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The ceremony was quick and short and now they were doing speeches, Molly and Arthur and Hermione's parents had already finished their speeches and now it was the bridal party.

"You look like you're going to throw up," Regulus pointed out.

Adeline glared at the man, "Shut up, talking in front of a whole crowd makes me nervous."

"You weren't that nervous during when you had the speech at Cedric and Allison's wedding," Regulus said.

Adeline nodded, "Well a certain someone calmed me down and I was fine- I've done speeches before, I'm good, I got this," she nodded and smiled.

"You look like you don't believe in yourself and that you're going to throw up," Regulus deadpanned.

Adeline grabbed her napkin and smacked the man on the head making Teddy laugh at the two.

"And finally, my lovely sister will be giving the last speech, Adeline Diggory," Harry said as he finished his speech making everyone clap.

Regulus pushed her as she stood and once again she whacked him with the napkin making few laugh that saw the interaction between the two.

Adeline grabbed the mic and smiled at Hermione and Ron, "Hello all and good evening, as said before my name is Adeline, Hermione's maid of honor. Now to start, I met Hermione during my first year of Hogwarts, and Ron and I grew up together with our families being so close. But when these two first met, they immediately argued and I knew they were destined to be soulmates. They were fire and ice and I knew they would end up together. You both are my best friends and I'm incredibly happy for the both of you. Also that Ron finally got his head out of his arse and manned up,

It's crazy how we went from kids to adults so fast but even crazier that you two are getting married. It's a big reminder we aren't those tongue teenagers running around the halls of Hogwarts trying to solve another mystery in the crazy years of Hogwarts we had..."

Adeline looked up as her eyes started to get watery and it felt like everything froze around her as she once again, stared into those familiar blue eyes that she knew.

Theodore once again nodded and gave her a small smile from where she sat with Blaise and Draco.

Harry, Regulus, Zacharias, and Cedric both turned to see where her gaze was and caught sight of Theodore and panicked, not knowing what to do.

No one knew the man was coming as a plus one of Blaise, they of course knew they would see him at Draco's wedding but not Hermione and Ron's wedding.

Regulus coughed causing Adeline to snap out of her gaze and look at the four who made motions for her to go on.

"Sorry lost my spot but I'm so happy for the both of you and your new chapter in life. Hermione if Ron makes you upset in the slightest, call me and I'll beat him up, but Ron if Hermione makes you upset, shut up and take it," The crowd erupted in laughter, "I love you both and can't wait for little Hermione's and little Ron's to be running around!" Everyone clapped as Adeline finished, quickly hugged Hermione and Ron then practically ran to her seat.

Harry, Regulus, Zacharias, and Cedric looked at her, half waiting for her to start crying, the other waiting for her to push her feelings down.

Instead, she stayed quiet until Teddy dragged her along to dance with him.

"Should we be worried?" Regulus asked the other men.

"I don't know actually..." Cedric said.

"Just wait until she talks," Sophia said, "Now it's a wedding, let's drink and dance," Sophia said as they all stood and went to the dance floor.

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