Chapter 28

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Adeline was blocking out the conversation going on between Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Well more like just Harry and Hermione, Ron was just sitting there. Adeline was reading some of Cedric's old books until Hermione spoke up.

"Adeline, Ron, what do you two think?"

Adeline closed her book and looked up and Ron looked at Hermione and then at Harry, "Well what are the two of you on about anyway?" Ron asked.

"Harry is under the impression that Draco Malfoy is now a Death Eater," Hermione said with a sigh.

"It makes sense, his father is a Death Eater, it only makes sense, what else is he doing in Borgin and Burkes? Browsing for furniture?" Harry said.

"Well it's a creepy shop and he's a creepy bloke," Ron said, shrugging his shoulders.

"But he's just only 16," Hermione interjected.

"I don't think that stopped You-Know-Who," Adeline mumbled but the other 3 heard.

"And what do you mean by that?" Ron asked.

Adeline sighed, "You-Know-Who had to gather his Death Eaters, well more like recruit, for the first wizarding war, how young do you think they were once they were recruited?" Adeline said which made the others think, "Mom and dad told me they were asked during their 7th year to join the Order of The Phoenix along with many others such as the Prewetts, The Potters, Remus, Sirius, Mary Macdonald, Marlene McKinnon and many others who were at school during the time. You-Know-Who had already had his army together since Dumbledore made his organization when our parents were 17, what makes you think You-Know-Who didn't recruit when his original Death Eaters were 16?" Adeline said.

"It still doesn't make sense." Hermione said, "He's just 16."

"Well, it happened to Regulus Black," Adeline whispered to herself and she then thought of the day she heard about his story.

"I didn't know the door opened for anyone else." A voice said which startled Adeline. Adeline was currently in Regulus Arcturus Black's room.

"What do you mean by open for anyone else?" Adeline asked.

"My brother was a very smart wizard, top of the class, first to ever really do anything in his class like nonverbal and wandless magic, you remind of him a lot, you both could be mistaken for Ravenclaws." Sirius said smiling sadly, "When we came home after his first year and my third year, he put a charm in his room immediately and explained to me the door would open to the people he liked and people who were like him, he never explained how he was able to do wandless magic at 11 but he always picked up things rather quickly and well anyways, the door always opened for me but I feel guilty for what I did so I always close it but now it opened for you as well." Sirius said.

"It opened the first time I passed through it but I always closed it." Adeline said, "I'm sorry for"

"No no no, no need to be sorry," Sirius said.

"What happened to him? Regulus?" Adeline asked cautiously.

"My brother and I were always surrounded by people who didn't care about anything else except for their blood status, of course putting purebloods above all. We were surrounded by all these dark things but I always knew I wanted an out and never wanted anything about that life, I was more rebellious and Regulus was more scared and I don't blame him. He was protected even from the things he did, and that's all I wanted for him." Sirius paused and looked around his room, "I was a disgrace to the family I was sorted into Gryffindor and Regulus listened to my parents when they told him not to talk to me and he did ignore me until he went to Hogwarts.

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