Chapter 56

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Moving and wedding planning

"So Zacharias Smith?" Allison asked.

Allison was helping Adeline pack her things as Cedric was helping Harry.

"What about him?" Adeline asked as she was stacking her bathroom boxes.

The two girls had made lots of progress within the past hour, almost all of Adeline's room was packed up, and all she needed were her clothes and books.

"I know you have a past with dating him but when you saw him, you blushed and honestly looked the happiest you've been," Allison commented.

Adeline stayed quiet indicating she had no response or didn't know what to say.

She went to her closet and separated her clothes to keep or donate as she thought.

She did like Zacharias but she didn't know if it was in a friendly way or not.

The two did date for 2 months and nothing bad happened but Adeline had felt bad since he loved her but Adeline didn't so she decided to break it off.

After much thought of Zacharias and separating her clothes, she finally walked out and Allison was there waiting for her.

"Nothing bad happened with Zacharias and me, when we dated for 2 months, it was fun but he loved me and I didn't love him so that's why I broke up with him. I don't know how to feel about him but you know it would be nice to reconnect with an old friend," Adeline said.

"I think it's great to have a friend and you know nothing is wrong if you like him romantically," Allison commented.

She sighed, "I don't know if I'll ever like him romantically,"

"Why? Because of Theodore?" Adeline nodded and sighed, "Look you can do what you want, no one is pressuring you to do anything but it would be good for you to go out there and I'm sorry Adeline but Theodore had his chance to come up to you, whether it was coming here or to the funeral-"

"Funeral? Adeline cut her off, "He was at the funeral?"

Allison nodded, "He stayed in the back, Regulus said he offered to watch Teddy since Teddy was running around and didn't sit still. He wanted to be there for you but he didn't want to upset you more."

"I told him to stay away from me," Adeline whispered.


"Because I was hurt, I understand what and why he did but I was hurt. I needed time away from him-"

"You were away from him while Horcrux hunting-"

"No!" Adeline shouted with tears forming in her eyes, "I was beyond hurt at that time! And everything was going on all at once and I didn't have time for myself to fully take it all in-"

"Adeline breathe," Allison cut her off as she noticed her breathing became rigid. Harry and Cedric came in because they heard her shouting and they knew what was coming once they came in.

Adeline hadn't had panic attacks for quite a long time, the last time she was one was when she was injured during Horcrux hunting.

They walked forward but Allison held her hand up and signaled them to stop.

"You need to breathe Adeline, in and out," Allison said as she stayed a distance from her so she was able to overcome it on her own.

It took a couple of minutes but Adeline finally was fine but her tears were still there.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"No, you don't have to apologize, you are human and are allowed to have feelings. You finally took it all out instead of holding everything in and that is what I wanted to get out of you," Allison smiled as she hugged the girl.

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