Chapter 33

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Slughorn's Christmas Party

Weeks had passed since Adeline's birthday and everything was somewhat of a mess.

Except for Adeline's and Theodore's relationship, the two were happy as always and saw more together.

But when she wasn't with Theodore, she was with Ron or Hermione since the two couldn't stand each other.

It stressed Adeline out since she had to space her time with the 2 or else one would feel jealous and think she was taking the other side.

Theodore was always there to calm her down from all her stress by reading to her or just laying there in silence with him playing with her hair as she fell asleep.

Currently, Adeline and Harry were in the library following Hermione.

"He has the perfect liberty to kiss who he likes. I really couldn't care less." Hermione ranted while walking around the library putting her books back.

"Really," Adeline said sarcastically, Hermione turned and glared at Adeline.

"Was I under the impression we were going to Slughorn's party together? Yes-"

"Wait, you were going to ask him? Since when?" Adeline interrupted.

"She brought it up to him after the first Slug Club dinner and he thought she was going to take McLaggen and she said no that she was going to ask him and then he stayed quiet," Harry said then turned to Hermione and gestured for her to go on.

"So now I erm had to make some changes," Hermione mumbled.

"I thought we could go together, you know since neither of us could go with who we like...." Harry trailed off.

"Harry I'm sorry I didn't think of that," Hermione said.

"Who are you going with?" Harry asked.

"It's a surprise," Hermione said quickly.

"You know you can't just take anyone Harry," Adeline said.

"She's right, you see the girl behind Adeline," Hermione said as Harry slightly turned to see behind Adeline's shoulder. "That's Romilda Vane and she apparently, like most girls, is trying to smuggle you a love potion."

"Really?" Harry said, sounding interested.

Adeline picked up a book and his shoulder.

"Adeline!" Harry said rubbing his shoulder where she hit him

"She's only interested in you because you're the chosen one," Hermione said.

"But I am the chosen one," Harry smirked.

Hermione smacked Harry's head with the newspaper in her hand.

"I'll ask someone I like then. Someone cool." Harry said, nodding his head.

"Oh, bloody hell this is going to be a disaster." Adeline groaned walking out of the library.

"Who are you taking?" Harry asked as he followed her and Hermione stayed behind to finish putting her books away.

"My boyfriend, who else?" Adeline said.

"Does he know about it?" Harry asked Adeline, making her stop walking.

"You know I never really got to the asking part and kinda just coordinated my dress to what colored tie suits him the best," Adeline said.

"Can you help me with what to wear?" Harry asked.

"Of course! And Theodore will go, he can't say no." Adeline smiled as the two made their way to their common room.


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