Chapter 17

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DA meeting gone wrong

Adeline sat in the stands of the quidditch pitch watching the Gryffindor team practice. Adeline sat and was reading but Harry would always fly by her and distract her.

"Aren't you supposed to be practicing?" Adeline laughed.

"Well yes, but I told you to come so you can watch me be amazing and not read." Harry huffed.

"Oh well go cry about it while finding the snitch Potter," Adeline said, causing the two to laugh.

"POTTER! GET YOUR ARSE OVER HERE!" Angelina, the team captain shouted.

"Well, I think that's my cue," Harry said and flew off leaving Adeline laughing then she returned to her book.

"Is it alright if I steal you away?" Adeline looked up and saw Theodore smiling down at her.

"I think it's alright but I don't think Harry will like it since he wants me to see how amazing he is," Adeline said laughing.

"Well here's a secret, I don't care you can watch him at the game," Theodore smirked. Adeline stood up and started to leave the pitch but Harry's voice made them turn.

"DIGGORY GET OVER HERE THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Harry shouted as he saw her leave.

"I'LL SEE YOU IN THE COMMON ROOM!" Adeline shouted back and the two started walking off. Adeline and Theodore had gotten super close since the party that took place a month ago. She noticed she started to blush more around him and Theodore would tease her about it.

Theodore knew he had feelings for her and very strong feelings but he didn't feel good enough for her. Theodore thought to himself that he wasn't good enough for Adeline and that's why he hasn't done anything with her yet. If he was going to date her then he wanted to make sure it was something she wanted and make sure he was good enough.

Adeline had the same feelings for Theodore as he had for her but she was just scared. She was glad nothing had happened yet since she was scared to give her heart out and have it returned crushed. But she had already given her heart out to Theodore but she didn't realize it.

"Where are we going?" Adeline asked as they walked.

"Nowhere, in particular, I just wanted to get away from everyone," Theodore said.

"I know a place we can go." Adeline smiled at him and then started to lead the way. They reached one of the docks near the Black Lake.

"How's Umbridge's watch squad?" Adeline asked as she sat down on the edge of the dock with her legs handling over the water and Theodore doing the same.

"Honestly really annoying but it's whatever, mostly Malfoy, Parkinson, Crabbe, and Goyle doing most of her work for her, "Theodore said which wasn't a lie but he didn't tell her about them trying to figure out what Harry and some students were doing and where they would sneak off to. Theodore knew Adeline was one of those students going off but he never asked. "How's Hermione?"Theodore asked

"She's starting to acknowledge my presence so I guess that's a process," Adeline said. Theodore sighed and wrapped his arm around Adeline's shoulder bringing her closer.

"It's all going to be alright," Theodore said.

"I hope so," Adeline said, hugging Theodore's torso and snuggling into his side.


The DA was still going strong and excelled in many spells but the Patronus spell was. The only two that were able to do it were Adeline and Harry, so Harry thought of teaching the Patronus spell again for the meeting.

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