Chapter 43

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Wedding and leaving

Adeline couldn't sleep for days until the wedding, mostly everyone was staying at the Burrow which was annoying Adeline greatly.

Adeline adored being surrounded by friends and family.

But she missed home a lot.

She missed her bed, her books, her piano...

But she mainly couldn't sleep because all she was thinking about was what Snape had told her.

Mr. Nott is okay and fine

Mr. Nott is okay and fine

Mr. Nott is okay and fine

She repeated those words multiple times, she didn't know if Snape was lying or not but she chose to believe it to bring some comfort to her.

But she chose to believe it.

She wanted him to be okay at least but she most definitely knew he wasn't but he was trying.

Back at the Malfoy Manor, Theodore was staying with the Malfoy's since his father said 'it would be a better convenience.' As much as he loved or used to love staying at the Malfoy Manor, he now hated it.

It was just the place where meetings were held, meetings in which he was forced to be in.

He never paid attention, only spoke when was asked a question, other than that, he only spoke to Draco and Snape.

Draco is his forever best friend no matter how many disagreements they've had, they loved each other as brothers.

Snape is now a father-like figure to him, Theodore felt as if he never really had a father until Snape started to be more and more in his life.

Snape helped the young boys as they were forced into a path based on their parents. He was there for them because he knew their fathers weren't there.

Theodore confided in Snape about multiple things. Especially about Adeline, oh he missed her dearly. Wished things were different, wished the 2 had gone away on the trip beforehand and stayed in America. But at the same time, he was okay, he knew she wasn't really in that much danger since she was with Harry and Cedric. Her brothers would protect her forever. That gave him some relief but he wished it was him protecting her.


The past couple of days at The Burrow had been hectic. It was now the day of the wedding and so much has happened over the days.

Teddy was born.

Decorating The Burrow for the wedding.

Harry's birthday was a couple of days ago and he was now 17 with no trace on him.

Rufus Scrimgeour had come on the day of Harry's birthday to give the 4 items from Dumbledore's will.

Hermione was given a first edition of The Tales of Beedle the Bard.

Ron was given the deluminator.

Harry was given the first golden snitch he caught and the sword of Gryffindor.

And Adeline was given a journal.

An empty journal. The journal had Dumbledore's full name but when she had opened it, there was nothing written on the pages.

It was all Adeline and Hermione could think about, they tried all spells and nothing.

Adeline had even tried burning it but still nothing.

They had thought it was like Tom Riddle's diary and tried writing in it but nothing would appear on the paper, the ink wouldn't even write on the paper. They have just given up and focused more on the wedding

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