Chapter 35

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"Where did you learn Spanish?" Cedric asked as Adeline was passing the kitchen.

"Dunno, I think Harry said it once- wait not Hermione did, she's smarter than Harry." Adeline shrugged.

"Well then carry on."

"I will hufflewhore."

"Wait what- ADELINE!"


Adeline was now running out of the kitchen where Cedric and Allison were to Harry's room.

"Hufflewhore?" Allison questioned as she was getting the fruit out of the fridge.

"Just a nickname my very beloved sister gave me." Cedric rolled his eyes.

"Well, now I have to work on mine," Allison smirked and Cedric groaned.


"What in Merlin's name do you want!" Harry exclaimed, sitting up from his bed as Adeline finally came in.

"I want to ask you a question," Adeline said, smiling as she jumped onto his bed.

"Well go on, I don't have all day," Harry said annoyed since he was in the middle of writing a letter to Sophia.

"Why are you rushing me?" Adeline tilted her head.

"Hurry up or I'll owl Nott that picture I have of you-"

"NO! Alright alright! I only came in to ask if Sophia was coming by for Christmas." Adeline asked.

Harry was silent as he put his quill down and looked at his letter.

"I'm assuming you are?" Adeline asked, looking up at him as he didn't answer her.

"I would like to"

"Brilliant!" Adeline smiled.

"You haven't even heard what I want to do," Harry said.

"Oh! you want to shag her?"

"NO! Adeline! I uh-"

"Awww are you blushing?" Adeline teased as Harry was indeed turning red.

"Oi! Shut it, I just want to invite her for dinner, that's all." Harry shrugged.

"Well go on and ask her, Mom and Dad will be ecstatic! You're finally bringing home a girl!"

"Wait hold on, is Nott coming over?" Harry asked.

Adeline's face fell slightly, Harry now noticed her silence.

"You didn't invite him?" Harry paused, "Did you two break up?" Harry asked cautiously.

"No we are um still together but I don't know I noticed he's kinda distant in a way but he's not- does that make sense?" Adeline was now looking at the floor, unable to look at Harry since this was the first time for her speaking about it.

"It does make sense if that's how you feel but you should talk to Nott about that, you know how he is, I'm sure he doesn't want to mess up his longest relationship." Harry shrugged.

And that's what Adeline feared.

She knew she was Theodore's longest relationship and she was scared he would soon become bored of it.

But she also knew they both loved each other very much and he wouldn't leave her without a reason.

Adeline sighed, "Well erm moving on, remember that thing we talked about in the first year?" Adeline asked.

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