Chapter 48

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Traveling and Goodbye Ron?

The four walked and walked for most of their days seeing as Ron still couldn't apparate.

Adeline was feeling 100% but her back was still healing.

It seemed that Ron was getting better slowly.

Harry started to see Voldemort's mind again.

And Hermione was trying her absolute best through everything.

One thing Adeline noticed was Ron's jealousy.

He started to be distant and always scoffed when Hermione and Harry were speaking.

At one of the places they stopped, Ron had something to say as Hermione was fixing the wrap on his arm.

"He doesn't know what he's doing does he?" Ron asked as the 3 then looked at Harry.

"None of us do," Hermione replied.

Adeline sighed, "But he's trying his best as we all are," She spoke before standing and walking over to the boy.

Harry smiled as his sister approached him, "How are you?"

"I'm doing the best I can, you?" Adeline asked.

Harry shrugged, "I'm trying."

"You are doing great," She smiled at her brother.

The siblings fell into a comfortable silence as they stared at nothing in particular.

"You really need a haircut," Adeline blurted out which caused Harry to burst out laughing.

"I know, I'll have you or Hermione cut it-"

"Not me! The last time I cut it, you kept moving!" Adeline exclaimed, the 2 looked at each other before they both burst out laughing.

"Let's get back shall we," Harry said before they started to make their way back to the tent and again to travel the next day.


While Hermione was cutting Harry's hair, Adeline was reading the diary while Ron was just laying down and listening to the radio.

They had all taken rotations on the locket which Adeline hated the fact that they couldn't open it or anything.

Ron was getting snappier and it seemed that the radio was the only thing helping him.

The only thing she hated about it was that the volume was on the highest setting and any question about the radio would set Ron off.

Adeline, you guys are almost there, I can see it...well I've literally seen it, but you have destroyed a Horcrux before. You've just forgotten about it.

Adeline sighed as she read the same line over and over, it's what annoyed her the most. She thought and thought and nothing, she felt quite useless.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked, looking at Adeline.

Adeline sighed again, "It's just I can't seem to grasp what Regulus is trying to tell me, he's hinting at everything and I don't understand," she spoke walking up to Hermione showing her the same line they both read over and over.

She was quiet, everyone was quiet, the only noise coming from the radio.

"Ron for 2 seconds can you turn that thing off!-"

"Adeline!" Hermione yelled at the frustrated girl.

Adeline rolled her eyes and sat back down with the diary.

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