Chapter 34

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Going Home


Adeline was currently waiting for a carriage to get to the platform where her friends and boyfriend were waiting.


"Did they leave you?"

"No, I forgot something in my dormitory." Draco nodded and swayed in place. "Theo told me you weren't going home?" Adeline asked.

Draco looked up, "Well I originally wasn't going to but mother wanted me home." A carriage came as soon as Draco finished speaking.

Adeline couldn't help but notice the way Draco looked at the front of the carriage and she immediately knew what he was seeing.

A thestral.

Draco looked at Adeline and shook his head.

"Well, then we should go." Adeline nodded and took Draco's offered hand to help her into the carriage.

On the way to the carriage, it was nothing but silence as they sat on opposite sides, one looking to the front of the carriage and the other messing with their rings.

Draco helped Adeline step off the carriage once they reached the platform and as they were walking to the train, he stopped and grabbed her elbow to turn her towards him.

"Draco?" Adeline asked as she tilted her head.

He dropped his hand and breathed in, "There's something you should know...?" He trailed off looking her straight in the eye.

Adeline gulped, "And that is?"


Draco looked to the floor and then behind Adeline to make sure no one was there.

"Well, you see um it's about-"


Draco and Adeline turned to see Zacharias Smith coming from the carriages.

"Zacharias? I thought you were already on the train but I saw you coming to the carriages before I went back to my dorm-"

"Wanted to make sure you were safe." Zacharias quickly cut her off as he glared at Draco quickly.

Draco scoffed, "And what would I do to her? I'm just her friend and I can watch over her and protect her myself if she needs any help." Draco said, rolling his eyes.

"But you're a Slytherin-"

"She's bloody dating a Slytherin!" Draco snapped.

"You should know by now not to judge anyone based on their house Smith." Adeline jumped in.

"Is everything alright?" Harry asked, stepping off the train.

"Fine Diggory," Zacharias said glaring at Draco before storming off to find his friends.

"Malfoy." Harry greeted him with a nod.

Draco scoffed and walked off to find his friends.

"Draco!" Adeline stopped him from walking, "What were you going to tell me?"

"It doesn't matter, not my place to say." He said without turning back and continued to walk onto the train.

Adeline frowned as Harry shrugged his shoulders and urged her to get on the train.

"Let's just go home."


"Adeline?" Theodore whispered when he opened up the compartment to see Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione all asleep and Adeline was reading.

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