Chapter 24

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Harry's back

"MOM!DAD!" The Diggory siblings shouted as they saw their parents in the living room.

"Well everything still looks fine, where did you guys hide the things you broke?" Amos joked.

"Leave them alone Amos, you and I both know they would already try to blame each other," Julianne said, looking at her kids who said smiles on their faces.

"Well, how was America?" Cedric asked.

"Alright, the ministry there is quite different from the ministry here," Amos told his kids as the family walked into the kitchen.

"But it was fun nonetheless." Julianne interjected, "Now Harry's coming soon and we have to figure out how to ask him."

"Well, it's not that hard, just ask him after we finish dinner," Adeline said.

"Lin and I could step out while you both talk to him," Cedric said.

"No, we want you both in the room but I think we will figure it out on our own-"

"Figure out what?" A new voice came into the kitchen which caused the family to jump.

"Harry!" Adeline exclaimed and went to tackle him in a hug.

"We didn't know you were coming this early," Julianne said surprised.

"Dumbledore brought me," Harry said, pulling away from Adeline's hug to greet the rest of the family.

"Well, he's always full of surprises," Amos said.

"What were you guys talking about?" Harry asked which caused the family to fall into silence until Adeline spoke.

"Well, you know your birthday is coming up and we wanted to know how you would feel about a dinner at home or going out to eat?" Adeline said, coming up with a partial lie.

"Oh stay in, I don't want you to do extra for me-"

"Harry, we care for you and you're never a burden to our family." Amos cut Harry off.

Harry smiled," Why don't we go out then? Dress up?" Harry suggested.

"Fantastic! I already have reservations for us 5!" Julianne exclaimed.

"Come on, let's go pick out what you're gonna wear because you are definitely going to wear something awful if I let you," Adeline said walking out of the kitchen.

Harry groaned, "But my birthday isn't for another 3 days Addi-"

"Doesn't matter! We have to be ready for it!" She yelled from the hallway and Harry groaned again and walked out of the kitchen and followed.


"Yellow is not a good color on you," Adeline said as Harry walked out of the closet.

"I know you only pointed that out about 4 times," Harry said as he unbuttoned his shirt.

"Well, it's true!" Adeline exclaimed then threw a shirt at him. "How were the Dursleys?"

"Boring, as usual, you know, don't even notice my existence so don't know about my adventures from the past couple of weeks," Harry said as he changed and lay on his bed.

"Adventures?" Adeline raised her eyebrows as she was hanging the clothes Harry had just tried on.

"Well safe to say I had a fun 2 weeks," Harry said.

"Yeah, I'm not gonna ask, "Adeline said.

"You seem off what's wrong-"

"Hey losers," Cedric said walking in.

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