Chapter 39

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Ron's Birthday and sectumsempra


Adeline called out to the boy when he entered the common room.


"The mandrake leaf!" Adeline whispered to him.

"Shhh! What about it?" Harry asked.

"It's been a month you twat come on."Adeline rolled her eyes and started going to Harry's dorm.

"A month?" Harry questioned.

"Don't tell me you swallowed it." Adeline groaned.

"No! I have it under my tongue but it's been a month?" Harry frowned, "I think it's been longer."

"It has but we had to keep restarting since you swallowed it a bunch of times Harold." Adeline rolled her eyes.

"Ahhh okay yes I get you to now, but what do we have to do?"

"Put the leaf and a piece of our hair in a crystal vial and leave it where it gets moonlight then at every sunrise and sunset, place your wand tip over your heart and say 'Amato Animo Animato Animagus' until there's a storm. Then we take the vials and go somewhere, typically an abandoned classroom, then as soon as lightning appears, say the incantation again and drink the potion then wait and think about transforming and boom and then transform back and boom." Adeline finished when she reached Harry's dorm.

"How do you know all of this?" Harry asked.

"From Tonks," Adeline shrugged as she walked in, "Hello Ron."

"Hiya Adeline," Ron said as he was sitting down on the floor.

"Spit your leaf into this," Adeline told Harry as she handed him a vial.

"OW!" Harry shouted as Adeline pulled a piece of his hair.

"Shut up, it didn't hurt, now don't touch this vial until a storm and put it somewhere it can get moonlight," Adeline instructed.

"Moonlight...the moon is beautiful don't you think," Ron said as he admired the moon.

The siblings looked at each other and back to Ron.

Adeline looked at Ron's bed and saw chocolates, she tapped Harry and pointed to his heart-shaped box.

"Having a bit of a late-night snack are we?" Harry laughed.

Adeline made her way over and saw the card next to it to have Romilda Vane's face blowing a kiss.

"It was on your bed Harry, I just thought I would try one," Ron said standing up.

"Or twenty," Adeline laughed, "Well Harry um I would love to stay but he's your friend and I have to go to sleep!" Adeline said going out.

"No! Help me with him!" Harry exclaimed.

"No! Bye Harry! Goodnight Ron!" Adeline shouted, now running out.

"You've got to be kidding me," Harry groaned, he turned back to Ron to see him blushing.

"She's pretty AND she knows my name Harry!" Ron said with a big smile.


"But Romilda Vane will have my heart." Ron quickly defended.

Harry groaned knowing it was going to be a long night.


"I heard my favorite twins are here!" Adeline exclaimed walking the hospital wing.

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