Chapter 9

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Hermione and Adeline were in the library studying and it was odd, to say the least.

Hermione and Adeline never study in the library. Together.

They always studied at the Black Lake or in their dorm. But Adeline needed advice and the one thing she does to distract her is study or read. Adeline had started to be more shy and flustered whenever she was near Theodore now. She knew exactly why as well.

She started to fancy Theodore Nott.

Theodore Nott...

She didn't want to believe this because one she knew nothing would happen and two she knew all Theodore wanted was a new friend. She tried to push it away. 

It had been 2 months since their date and Adeline was still confused by the date overall. It was odd that Theodore even called it a date since they were only studying and having a small conversation together for a month then they went on a date.

 She was very confused. Since their date, the 2 had been seen with each other a lot, if Adeline wasn't with her Gryffindor friends or Cedric, she would be seen with Theodore. They even owled past curfew from the Gryffindor Tower to the dungeons.

Adeline tried very hard to push her feelings away and it seemed to be working. Adeline was a very attractive girl, guys would ask her out on dates often but she would always decline so now she was using it to her advantage.

In other words, Adeline would be seen walking out of a broom closet with a random boy from her year or above. She snogged her way out of her feelings for Theodore Nott. And it certainly wasn't going well by Ron. 

Ron was made prefect along with Hermione so to make it simple, Ron walked in a lot of snogging sessions with Adeline and some random boy. Ron scolded Adeline countless times, he was utterly confused at the sudden behavior of Adeline but tried to understand and swore to not tell anyone. 

That led to now, Adeline with her thoughts in the library.

"Can I ask you something or more to get your advice?"

"You act as if I'm going to say no Adeline, what's up?" Hermione said putting her quill down and putting all her attention on Adeline.

"How do you know if you are really over someone even if it was a crush?" Adeline asked, putting her head down slightly.

"The bubbly feeling you used to get around them or even when they simply talk to you goes away, why did the whole snogging thing work?" Adeline's eyes widened, she didn't tell Hermione or anyone that, only Ron knew because he walked in a lot of snogging sessions. Hermione laughed before continuing, "After that first night when Ron caught you snogging Josh from Ravenclaw, his face was obvious that she saw something he shouldn't have so I asked him when we were walking back to the common room and he told me."

"Oh, josh was his name? He was pretty good- OW!"

"SHHHHHHHH!" Madam Prince practically yelled at the 2 girls.

"What was that for?" Adeline exclaimed, rubbing her head after Hermione threw a book at her.

"Snogging everyone isn't going to help you get over Theodore, the feelings have to go away on their own Adeline, I mean you could keep on doing what you're doing but it probably won't help." Hermione paused then spoke up again, "I didn't know you fancy Theodore again." Adeline's eyes widened once again and looked up at a laughing Hermione. "It was obvious you fancied Theodore on our 3rd year Adeline, well maybe not to people but for me it was obvious." 

It was true, Adeline always noticed the boy but never really talked to him except for when they would bump into each other she started to fancy him in their 3rd year but thought it was a stupid school crush.

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