Chapter 53

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Pt.2 Battle of Hogwarts

Adeline stayed stuck.

Her world was gone.

The people who made her feel safe and happy were gone.

All she had was Cedric, Allison,

And Theodore.

But she wasn't all too sure she had him since he left her.

Not by choice, but he still hurt her.

Hermione and Ron hugged her before they went inside to mourn Fred.

More tears formed in Adeline's eyes as she remembered Tonks and Remus's death.

Then she remembered she was Teddy's godmother, and Harry was his godfather.

She didn't bother to ask Theodore as Remus wanted her to since she felt like Theodore would say no, so during the wedding, Remus asked Harry.

But now Adeline would be raising him alone.

She choked out a sob when someone put their hand on her shoulder.

She turned and saw Regulus, he hugged her just hearing about her parent's death.


Adeline turned and looked at the boy she loved.

She turned to Regulus in disbelief as he shrugged his shoulders.

"No," She spoke.

"Just hear what he has to say-"

"Shut up Draco," Adeline glared at him.

"No, he had things to say and you have to or should-"


"Why? Because your hurt?"

"Yes!" She exclaimed looking at the blonde boy, "I am beyond hurt at what he had done, I know he didn't have a choice but I could've been in the know even if there was and still is nothing you him or myself to do, what's done is done, I was hurt and now I'm broken," more tears formed in her eyes as she spoke, "I lost my parents, my brother, some really fucking great family and friends, oh and yeah I also lost you two, I don't need either of you coming back, I need time so, please! Leave me the hell alone for once!"

Adeline was out of breath as she almost yelled the last part, she looked at Theodore once more and took off the bracelet that he had given her for her 17th birthday.

"I believe this belongs to you," Adeline spoke as she gave him the bracelet and turned to walk away to find her brother or Sophia.

Theodore's tears fell as soon as she started to walk off; all he could do was stand there.

And do what she had asked.


Adeline and Sophia had been sitting on the steps leaning on each other as they just sat in silence.

Cedric walked over to them to bring them to the front of the school where all the commotion was.

"Come on," he almost whispered.

The two girls stood up, linking arms, and walked to the front of the school where they were met with many of the people that were alive from Hogwarts and Voldemort and his Death Eaters following him.

"Is that..." Adeline spoke as she and Sophia looked at Hagrid and saw Harry lying in his arms.

"No," Sophia whispered as she sobbed.

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