Chapter 60

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3 months later

3 months since the wedding and it had been a long 3 month

Cedric and Allison had just got back a couple of days ago from their honeymoon in Tokyo.

Harry, Sophia, Ron, Zacharias, and Regulus were back at work.

Hermione had barely been around since she spends most of her time in the ministry.

Ginny and George always worked at the shop.

And Adeline had been waiting for Theodore's owl.

She was still unemployed but decided to wait to get a job until Teddy starts schooling so they would both have something to do. Besides she wants to give Teddy the best life starting from his younger years.

As Adeline was getting ready to prep dinner, Zacharias showed up through the fireplace.


"Shut it! Teddy is taking a nap!" she whispered yelled at him.

"Oh, Adeline!" he whispered yelled back.



Zacharias was cut off but Teddy's crying, Adeline sighed and went to his room to bring him to the living room.

"Wait who did you ask out? I don't recall which one..."

"I asked out Gabriela! The receptionist!" Zacharias said as he smiled and danced in a little circle.

Adeline laughed as she watched him get all excited over this girl. In the past month, they talked and made sure they were on the same page of just being friends and having no feelings for each other. Zacharias admitted to having feelings for her in the beginning but over the past months they had been friends, he had come over his feelings and realized how much better off they were as friends. Since then, he had been more open to talking to Adeline.

"When is the date?!" she asked.

"That's why I came here after work! I don't know, I have no game plan-"

A knock on the door interrupted their conversation.

As per usual, they looked at each other to see who would open the door.

"Open the door-"

"I don't want to-"

"You live here!"


Another knock came on the door.


"Oh, my merlin! I'll open it!"

"Ahh I see Lin didn't want to open the door as per usual," Cedric said with a chuckle as he walked in.

"Ced! You never told me you were coming," Adeline stared at him confused.

"Wasn't supposed to but I was in the area doing some errands so thought I drop these off to you," a small stack of letters in his hands. "And I would love to sit and chat but I have to stop by Harry's then go to a meeting-"

"Wait!" Adeline said as she rushed to get some sippy cups, toys, and some clothes in Teddy's bag, "Take your nephew to Sophia! She has been wanting to spend time with him!" She said as she rushed his things together and carried Teddy into Cedric's arms.

"Well, then I'm off, see you two on Sunday!" Cedric said as he closed the door.

"I'm off too, I need to go think over some ideas for my date," he said with a blush, "See you Sunday."

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