Chapter 73

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As weeks went by, Adeline started to go crazy.

She noticed Theodore would often go out with Sophia, Allison, and Hermione. When the 4 spoke at times, it was always in hushed whispers.

And Adeline was hating it.

But no one seemed to question it so she never said anything.

But almost everyone seemed to walk on ice around her, which also made her crazy.

So she occupied herself, she was turning 26 in 2 days and she was excited. She decided she would take the whole day to herself seeing as Theodore also managed to steal Teddy from her so she was basically by herself.

Her thoughts were interrupted by her boyfriend walking into her office.

"Where are we going to lunch, my love?" Theodore asked as he sat on her chair.

She looked up and shrugged her shoulders and went back to writing, "Are you sure you don't want to spend lunch with Sophia? Or Allison? Oh wait I forgot about Hermione as well," she deadpanned.

Adeline wasn't really the jealous type, but lately, she has been nothing but jealous.

On the other hand, Theodore had an amused face, "Why would I want to go with them?"

"Theodore all you have been doing these past days is spending time with them and I don't know why but I don't like it and it makes me feel these emotions like I'm upset, jealous-"

"Jealous?" he smirked as she looked at him.

"Yes! I admit I am bloody jealous," she exclaimed.

"Sorry I didn't hear that," he teased.

"I am jealous," she said slowly.

He walked over and grabbed her hands leading for her stand and smiled, "I can assure you that nothing is happening and you have nothing to be jealous of."

"Can you tell me why you all are spending so much time together?" she asked.

"No but you will find out in a couple of days," he said making Adeline groan, "Hey I love you so much okay."

"I love you too," she replied in which he gave her a look, "What?"

"You're still upset because you said too and we never say too," he said, "You trust me?"

"I trust you with my whole life that Teddy goes with you," she said.

"Then trust me, you'll know soon, very soon I promise you," he said as he kissed her, "I love you so much."

"I love you so much more," she smiled.

"Now, lunch?" he asked.

"Merlin yes! I'm bloody starving," she said as she kissed him.

"Bloody hell! You two have to kiss everywhere!"

"Shut off Ron!" she laughed as Ron passed by her office pretending to throw up.


"Will you be at the apartment later?" Adeline asked as Theodore stopped by the office after picking up Teddy.

"Not till late, I'm going out with Draco and Blaise," he replied.

"Okay well then I'll see you tomorrow," she smiled as she kissed him.

"See you later my love," he smiled.

Later on, Adeline found herself looking between Sophia and her child.

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