25 | Eleven

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What survived may not be kind. But it's me.

Music vibrates under my heels. Chatter erupting among the patrons lined up outside the upscale bar.

The heat emanating from Archer wraps around my waist, drawing me in as I lean back into his chest, though I can only imagine the heat as anger, feeling his glare on the back of my head.

Cleo and Liam stand in front of us, also playing the part of an amorous couple.

Cleo's pink hair is in her natural kinks, smoothed down with what I assume is a lot of product, the curls defined and shiny. She leans her body flirtatiously into Liam's.

I quickly fix the bangle on my wrist, turning my body in Archers arms and winding my arms around his waist.

My hands settle on the two guns tucked in the back. One of them mine.

I look over his shoulder at the people behind us. My eyes straying to the security guard at the corner of the building.

I turn, leaning back into Archer as he wraps his arms around me, ever the doting boyfriend.

I flash a small smile as my eyes connect with the other guard who stands at the door.

His face remains blank as he waves us forward.

The tightness of my dress does nothing to hide the muscle beneath. Clinging dangerously to my bust and thighs as he looks us up and down.

The music grows louder, the distant hum and vibration now a rhythm rushing in my blood.

A buzzing in my ears interrupts the song, Clay's voice piercing.

"I just lost the connection, but he should still be there since his phone last pinged only two minutes ago. Or whoever has his phone." Clays voice crackles through the comm, almost drowned out by the thumping music from inside.

Archer fingers flex on my hip as we walk forward, the bouncer checking us over before waving us forward.

The air is warm as we enter and the music pounds in my ears. People swarm the dance floor and the bar.

"Everyone remember what he looks like?" I hear Archer in my ear as he walks beside me towards the dance floor as Cleo and Liam walk to the bar.

Cleo takes a seat on the stool, crossing her legs slowly and smiling sweetly at the bartender. Liam leans on the bar beside her, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I have his face memorised like he's family." Liam jokes.

I slip between bodies until I reach the middle of the dance floor, turning and facing Archer.

He stares over my shoulder, gaze wandering before flicking his head to the left slightly.

I move over, putting my back to the area he indicated.

He steps forward, crowding my space as his hands wind around my waist. His gaze scanning the faces we cross paths with.

Bodies brush against my back, a drink spilling down the back of my leg as a man stumbles by.

Sweat already lingers on my skin, humidity clinging to my movements as I sway.

I wrap my hands around Archer waist, once again feeling the guns that rest at his back.

Due to the tight nature of my dress, Archer had to hold my weapon. Tucking it somewhere I could grab it easily without suspicion.

An elbow jabs into my spine and I stumble forward, smashing into Archer. He steadies me with a palm on my spine, practically burning through my clothes with the memory of earlier. I glance up, catching his eyes.

Alliance || 1 || ✔️ matureWhere stories live. Discover now