29 | Eleven

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It's like Déjà vu all over again.

I clench my teeth as a scream threatens to escape from my throat.

The needle pierces through my skin as I pull the thread closed and repeat the action. The jagged slash on my abdomen slowly mending together one stitch at a time.

The once white towel is resting on my lap as I sit on the vanity of my bathroom, my first aid supplies resting next to me. The towel catches more blood as the last stitch is made and I breathe a small sigh of relief.

"You should learn how to stitch, it'll come in handy if you're ever stabbed again." She says as she ties the last stitch. I grimace back at her.

"Why? When I have you."

"Who the fucks going to stitch me then?!"

"Better you die than I."

She sticks her tongue out at me as she packs away her equipment.

"Whatever loser."

She grabs her knife, flinging it up and down in her hand as she walks away from me.

She barely grabs the hilt before throwing it up again. The gleaming blade glinting as it descends again. It nicks Lilac but she ignores it and continues to throw. Knowing it will just be added to the numerous other scars.

"What are you doing?" I jump off the banister and grasp the knife in mid-air.

Lilac scoffs, her mouth opening in incredulity.

"You could get hurt." I snap as I throw the knife at the farthest wall.

"You just told me it's better I die than you." She points out as she walks over and pulls the knife free.

"I still stand by that. If you die, you die. If you're hurt, I have listen to you complain." I grin mockingly as I dart by her. The whiz of the knife accompanying me as she throws it at me, her laughter echoing off the walls.

My fingers are slightly numb, but I ignore it as I push the blood-stained towel against my stomach. Letting it soak up the rest of my blood.

Grabbing my first aid box, I dig through it, my fingers grasping the small items in my hand. Tearing the first one open I dab at the long cut.

It turns red instantly. I grab another and tear it open; it follows the other into the sink as it stains red as well.

Groaning, I hang my head and hop off the counter. Grabbing a random black shirt, I pull it on over myself and exit my room.

Walking down the stairs towards the kitchen and making my way to the far end cupboard, I open it and peer inside.

I know it is in here somewhere.

My eyes scan the array of bottles lined up in front of me. The clear and amber liquids winking back at me, grabbing the one I'm looking for. I shut the door and go back to my room. Thankful no-one is around to interrogate me.

I once again place myself on the vanity, slip the shirt off my body and fling it towards a random corner of my bathroom.

Twisting the cap off the vodka, I tilt the alcohol to my lips. I take a swig and then another once the first finishes it's scorching trail down my throat.

Closing my eyes tightly, I huff in resignation before opening them. Barely glancing at myself in the mirror, I proceed to pour the clear liquid along my stomach.

The diluted red rivulets washing from my stomach and down the sink.

Once done I take another swig before screwing the cap back on and placing the lid back on the vodka bottle. Placing said bottle on the other side of my vanity.

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