11 | Archer

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Rule number eleven; Beautiful faces are everywhere, but beautiful minds are hard to find.

Her chest presses snug to mine, arms hovering over my shoulders as she presses the trigger, the sounds of the gunshot loud in my ears.

My eyes sweep our surroundings and I grit my teeth as I take a sharp turn to lose the tail following us.

I can feel her breath on my neck as I take another turn down a debilitated street of building, a slight gasp releasing from her lips. Her breath hot on my neck, tingling along the sensitive skin.

"I think we've lost them." She murmurs close to my ear, her lips brushing the shell and I suppress the urge to pull her impossibly closer.

I nod to tell her I heard her, my fingers tightening around the handlebars in front of me before my head whips to the side at the bright flash of lights.

"No." I grind out, winding my arm around her waist as the car speeds forward, causing the bike to swerve to the side before I right it, my thighs squeezing the seat.

My fingers tighten on her ribs as I steer the bike one handed before pulling the handlebars to the right. The bike tilts dangerously close to the ground, the side of my body scraping along the road as sparks fly from metal hitting asphalt.

I curl my body around Elevens, protecting her the best I can as the bike comes to a gradual stop, the machine pinning my leg to the ground beneath it. My thigh muscles groan in objection as I try to pry it free.

"Let me up." A hand taps my shoulder and I twist my head to look at Eleven, where she's pinned slightly beneath my chest, her hair splayed out around her head.

I uncurl my arms from around Eleven, and lift myself from the ground, arms straining and wound aching along my side, watching through squinted eyes as she hops over the bike and lifts it just slightly. It's not a lot but it's enough to get my leg free.

I push myself away from the bike, ignoring the pain at my ribs and face as I grab Eleven's arm and race us to the building.

"My gun." Eleven says through gasping breathes, waving the one gun between us. I look back at the bike, knowing hers is under the seat before looking back at her.

I grit my teeth and pull us further into the darkened building.

"Too late now, we'll figure it out."

She runs beside me as we enter the building, the screech of tyres echoing behind us.

Pieces of brick crumble beneath our steps as Eleven removes the helmet from her head, letting it fall to the floor at our feet before she grabs my wrist and drags me further inside, letting the cool shadows swallow us.

Door's slam shut behind us, the patter of feet following.

I pull Eleven beside me, tucking both of us behind a half crumbled wall and ducking low. Calming my breathing as I listen to sounds of our pursuers.

"Do you have any enemies?" I whisper to Eleven.

"That's a stupid question." She hisses. "Look at where we work."

I nod in agreement, listening closely to our surroundings. I quickly remove my phone, tapping the screen to light it up before texting Clay.

I hear the two people step onto the bricks, a crunch sound echoing in the deathly quiet night, and I slip my phone away.

"Don't kill her," one of the guys says to the other, his tone accusing.

"I thought we were here to kill her?" The other replies as if the first was stupid.

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