39 | Eleven

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Hello there, the angel from my nightmare.

The blood on my hands is slick and sticky but I manage to twist the doorknob, pulling the door open. Archer at my heels as we flee down the hall in front of us.

My muscles ache but I continue running, trying to remember the way I was brought in. I can feel Archer's heat at my back, the sounds of his hurried breaths filling my head.

Right, five steps.

Right, thirteen steps.

Archer's stops me with a hand on my back.

"Do you know where we are going?" He hushes hurriedly.

"Anywhere but here."

Left, twenty-two steps.

I'm about to turn right when a door ahead of me catches my attention. The artificial lights making way for bright sunshine peaking under the door.

I blindly grab Archer's hand and drag him to the door. Looking back once to make sure the coast is clear before pushing the door open and running out into freedom.

I stop in my tracks, flinching and covering my eyes with my arms as the sunlight burns. I blink and squint my eyes as pain starts to build up in my head, the edge of my vision blurring.

"Fuck!" Archer hisses beside me, his shoulder bumping mine as he hastily stops as well. I ignore the burn of my eyes, blinking so I can get a clear view.

Fear rushes my blood as I look, the pain in my head doubling.

Salty wind kisses my cheeks, the smell of the ocean overpowering.

The door opens out onto a deck, and the only thing to greet us.


Everywhere. No land in sight.

The brightness of the sun burns my senses and I squeeze my eyes from the scorching rays.

"We have to hurry." Archer hisses, shielding his eyes.

I turn my head to see a collection of shipping containers, the only thing in sight besides the big blue.

With one last look at the door behind us, I grab Archer's arm and rush us towards the maze of containers.

Soon, Archer's running beside me as we take random turns, no real thought to our escape.

Our steps pound against the ships deck in the same rhythm as my heart. We try to be as silent as possible while also getting out of the open as quickly as we can.

A horn blares into the deafening quiet, the sounds of people yelling erupts. It grows louder and louder until I can swear they are right behind us.

A hand latches itself in mine and pulls me to a stop, my back slamming into the side of a shipping container. With harsh breaths, I analyse the area. Willing my heart to slow and my breaths to calm.

"They'll know where to look." Archer whispers to me, his own chest rising rapidly.

"I know." I hush back, my resolve weakening as the salty wind blows past my face once again.

The sounds of our pursuers grows louder, yells and grunts assaulting my ears. My eyes catch Archer's, and he nods to the left, I return it and follow as he creeps along the walls of the containers.

They start to blend, a maze too hard to exit in our disoriented state.

A gun shot echoes through the air, and we start to slow our steps, watching for any who might be close enough to see.

Alliance || 1 || ✔️ matureWhere stories live. Discover now