38 | Eleven

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We try to hide our feelings, but we forget our eyes can speak.


It flows freely and without restraint, unhindered by any force but its own.

It is beautiful. It is calm. It is serenity.

Unless it is flowing down your fucking throat in waves of splutters and coughs.

The cloth that covers my face is ripped away and I blink harshly at the blinding lights glaring down from above. Spitting out the water that has gathered in my mouth.

Droplets roll down my neck and I wonder if it's sweat or the water I was choking on.

Does it really matter?

"Ready to talk yet?" A distorted voice commands as the lights flash and the silhouette of a person stands in front of me. Their blurred features slowly morph into a sinister smile. A chuckle threatening to bust at the seams. My torturer raises a mocking brow, hands clutching the wet cloth.

The ropes burn my wrists as I twist and tug at the bindings. Willing them to loosen enough, if only so I could feel the life draining from my tormenter as I strangle him to death.

The ropes tighten in response, as if they read my thoughts and were not impressed. Rubbing harshly against the already raw wounds.


"About what?" I ask dumbly, letting a simpering smile slip onto my face despite the pain it causes.

"About what?" He asks incredulously.

"Didn't I just say that?" I flutter my lashes.

He takes a calming breath, and releases the wet cloth from his hands. The splatter of it landing on the floor echoing in the room.

Not deigning to give me a response, he turns and stalks back to his duffel.


A sharp knock snaps my attention and I face towards the door just as it's opened.

"Ready for guests?" Dimitri asks me. My torturer still rummaging through the contents of his bag.

"Why not." I shrug sarcastically, smiling at him. "The more, the merrier, I say."

The torturer scoffs, glaring at me.

What friendly folk.

I'm definitely going crazy.

Shadows move and the man is before me once again, needle in hand.

The prick of the needle is the last thing I feel before the darkness swallows me up.

• • •

My eyes blink open, the edges blurring until they slowly creep away to reveal the same poorly lit room.

The chair beneath me groans as I move my weight from one side to the other, assessing the sturdiness of the object. One well planned move and I would be free. I smirk into the silent darkness.

"What are you doing?" The voice is hoarse with disuse and my heart starts with a beat inside my chest as I turn to survey the newcomer.

"What do you think I'm doing?" I say to Archer as he watches from his own chair, his ropes winding around his body much like mine are now.

"Being a nuisance, as always-" He jokes before he's cut off with the door banging open. Four men entering.

"Ah, you're getting acquainted." Dimitri grins, flicking his hand at Archer. "We have a surprise for you today." His eyes settle on mine before flicking to Archer.

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