09 | Eleven

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Rule number nine; ding dong their opinion is wrong.

I scan the map in front of me before focusing on the dot in the middle of the intricate pattern of roads and buildings, watching as Richard leaves the bar he just spent thirty minutes in, the listening device in my ear silencing as I take it out. The information of the man he just so happened to be meeting left open on the screen.

I smirk at the chances, pushing from my bed. I have a quick shower and dress in a mini skirt and a tight black top, knee high boots combat completing the look.

I stare at the person in the mirror as I comb my blonde hair. Throwing it over my shoulder once it's knot-free, my brown eyes scanning over my features before connecting back to my dark irises.

I rip my eyes away from my reflection, walking out of the bathroom and into my room again. Grabbing my dagger from the bedside table,

I tuck it into my emergency clutch and leave the room, grabbing a jacket on my way out and slipping it on over my top.

The house is relatively silent as I stalk down the stairs, gaze flickering from one corner to the next.

I reach the bottom, moving for the front door quickly, faintly hearing male voices from the kitchen, thanking the designer of the house for cutting the kitchen from the front passage of the home.

"Have you got anything?" I hear Archer's voice murmur before another replies.

"He contacted someone, but it wasn't his superiors," Clay says, "Sounded like one of the traffickers. I'm getting a name now-"

I slip out the front door and into the night.

• • •

Parking my bike, a little ways away from my destination I shut off the engine, grab my emergency clutch from the hidden compartment and walk the rest of the way.

The bar music wraps around me like a lovers embrace as I walk through the door.

Lukas nods his head in greeting. "Two visits in one week, you must be desperate."

I flip him the bird as I sit at the bar, brushing my hair behind my shoulder.

"Hello to you too," Ray says as he leans on the bar beside me. "Where have you been?"

I look to him deadpan, and he has the gall to look guilty.

"Yeah. We heard the rumours."

"Oh, really? Was it before or after I was taken from my own apartment?"

Ray wrenches back, mouth popped open. "You said not to disturb you."

"There were gunshots."

Ray throws his hands up, "Maybe you like gunplay."

I turn to his older brother before looking back at him, shaking my head.

"You're an idiot."

He shrugs, standing straight before walking behind the bar. "Aim to please."

I roll my eyes. Sliding a glass from a tray towards me.

"Water please?" I hand it to him with a sweet smile and he takes it, shaking his head.

"I'm going to poison you."

"Wouldn't be the first time."

"When are you guys going to let that go? I thought I cooked the chicken through."

"For as long as you are my brother," Lukas says as he exits the storage room, "I will hold that against you."

He turns to me, placing the carton down that he carries, using a box cutter to slice the tape.

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