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Hey guys!

I need some massiveee advice.

I had an idea, that I could add a whole lot more to the book and to Archer and his relationship and slow burn with Eleven but to do that, the book would need to finish around chapter 37 (when they're taken and Scarlett appears) so the book would end on a cliffhanger, and everything that transpired after that (torture, Scarlett, learning the truth, clay and all) would happen in the second book at the start?

So you'd only get the Dimitri torture in book 1 and the rest in book 2 

Do you think that makes sense or should I leave that the book ends when Director gets them?  And book two is when they're with director and mainly in lilacs PoV

If I do it the other way, both books will mostly be in Elevens POv  and some chapters like the fb and the chapters in classified that coincide with the ones in alliance will be in alliance now, but not under lilacs POV but most likely under an unknown POV?

Does that makes sense???

I'm kinda stuck, cause I know it'll be really cool to have the second book start from when archer and eleven realyyyyy get taken and tortured but idk if ti will be too messy with the second book being in Archer Holland, John and Lilacs PoV in different chapters? You know

Idk if any of this even made any sense.

To shorten. Book 1 will be mainly eleven and archer pov with some unknown pov sprinkled in. And book will end when eleven and archer try to escape first time and get caught by Scarlett.

Book 2 will begin from the moment when they get taken to when they escape, through learning the truth and we'll get more from John and lilac? Until eleven and such are then taken by Director.

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