34 | Eleven

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Home sick and not sure where home is.

My steps are silent, fluorescent lights flickering ominously above me as I count twenty-two doors, stopping at the twenty third and enter the code in the keypad, entering the room quickly and shutting the door softly behind me.

The room still has some of our stuff in it from our teenage years. Posters hanging along the wall, empty gun cases stacked beside Lilac's bed.

I take a seat on her mattress and reach under the bed for the box I slipped under a few weeks ago.

My finger quickly lift the lid, leafing through the papers and making sure they're all still there.

They are.

I retrieve the vial and piece of glass from my pocket, nestling them inside with the rest of the stuff.

I breathe out a sigh, and close the box, my grip tightening around it as I look around Lilac and my old dorm.

It's not safe here, not near him.

I run my hands through my hair and push myself from the bed, holding the box under my arm.

A mark on the wall catches my attention and I stop, lifting a hand to trace the letters.

H + L against every other fucker, always.

"You know this room holds so many memories for us. I can't believe we just have to leave it." Lilac says as she carves the letter 'H' into the wall with a small pocket knife, her lips pursed in concentration.

She stops, huffing and moves a piece of brown hair from her face, moving to the next symbol.

"That's where you broke my nose when we first met." She reminds me, pointing to the doorway, eyes dragging from her masterpiece to meet my eyes.

I think back on that day, we'd both gotten in trouble by Director and were forced to do everything together from then on as punishment.

But we became inseparable and formed a bond, he hated it, and we loved that power.

"And that's where I broke Justin's nose when he kissed you without permission. Then told everyone you guys slept together." She continues, carving in the 'L'.

"This is where I cried when Justin convinced Adrian to break up with me." she continues as she points to her bed. "And it's also where you told me to get over myself." Lilac says laughing. "Do you think we'll make it out there?"

I know what she's referring to. Out there as in the real world. Will we survive?

"Of course, we will. We'll be the best thing this world has ever seen." I reply as I stuff the last remaining item in my duffel bag. "Or the worst." I amend as I think better of it giving her a conspirator's grin.

"Do you ever wonder what might happen to us?"

I pause in zipping up my bag and face her, seeing her face passive but curious. I walk towards her and take a seat.

"Nothing's going to happen to you. We look after each other, remember?"

"Yeah, because who else is going to do it."

I ignore her muttered words, pointing a finger to the array of weapons she hasn't packed away.

"What are you doing with those?"

"They're yours."

My brows lift and I walk to the case, lifting it open, a smile staining my face when I see the twin daggers nestled in a velvet bed, one inscribed with the word lefty, and the other righty.

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