New Book | Blacklisted

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Hey guys!

I have a new book in the works. It's another action romance.

I don't have a great description for it yet but I'm very proud of it if you want to give it a read and let me know what you think so far.

The vibes will be very similar to Alliance and Classified.

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Entity to be avoided at all costs. If seen, kill on sight.

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I've done many bad things in my life.

But Carsin Donato might just be the one that'll kill me.

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Lucia spends her days lazing by the water, sipping on cocktails and stealing diamonds and art from unsuspecting people.

Her job is easy. Get in, retrieve the item, get out and give it back to the original owner.

Or it was easy, until her past catches up to her, and her past has a lot to say.

Or it was easy, until her past catches up to her, and her past has a lot to say

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Here's a little excerpt from the most recent chapter.

The bitter wind snaps through the airport tarmac, cutting through layers of clothing like an invisible whip. I huddle closer to Mae, who is standing next to me, both of us shivering even through the thick layer of clothing. With her trademark dry humor, she mumbles,

"Lucia, remind me again why we decided to freeze our asses off on this godforsaken runway? I could be sipping a margarita on a tropical beach right now."

I side eye her, "I believe neither one of us chose this? Unless you didn't get forced here like I did?"

A soft laugh escapes her.

The plane ride here had been awkward to say the least, the frigid tension between the group rising as the plane did, the coldness seeping from everyone almost as cold as the temperature now.

Mae smirks, her eyes scanning the group that stands with us, a large space left between each group. It was almost like we were thirteen again at a school dance, a clear divide in the groups.

Her gaze lingers on Carsin, it wasn't the first time she'd done it, her eyes filled with question that she hadn't voiced after one shake of my head.

Of course she knew who he was.

Almost as if he knew we were speaking of him, he took a step closer, leaning down to whisper, his eyes dancing between Lucia and I.

"Who doesn't like a surprise holiday?"

I narrow my eyes at him, glaring through the chilly winds but Carsin doesn't step back, if anything he steps closer, his side snug to mine as we all wait for the cars to arrive.

I shiver, the cold threatening to swallow my whole when as hand settles on my hip, a warm arm curling around me.

I look down at it before looking to my side at Carsin, who stares ahead as if he didn't just pull my tighter into his embrace.

Shoving my elbow into his side, I step closer to Mae who looks at me with a raised brow, more question piling onto the ones she's already collected.

I sigh, looking away and catch another pair of eyes, all seeing and way too perceptive for their own good.

Jake narrows his eyes at Carsin before looking towards me, his eyes softening just the slightest bit.

I'm fucked.

I pretend not to notice, my attention focused on anything but him, feeling that tension coil with in me.

What God in this world decided that sending me on a trip with my estranged brother, my ex-boyfriend and my one-night stand, would be a good idea?

Okay it was a many-night stand, but the question still has good merit.

And then to send all those players to go find my first boyfriend none the less, who is hunting down my old team.

Whoever is writing this book needs a reality check.

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