33 | Eleven

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Mayhem erupts. People jumping to their feet, running.

I stand with them, my eyes on the glass, seeing the shattered pieces but only focusing on the bullet proof one before I twist, running my gaze over the patrons, trying to narrow down the shooter.

A hand lands on my shoulder, turning me around, Archer's mouth moving, saying something I can't hear over the chaos.

I furrow my brow, but he only grabs my wrist, pulling me behind him as he begins running and it takes me only a second to follow, feet pounding along the floor as we race for the exit, the team following behind.

I twist out of his hold and begin to run in front of him, slamming out of the door into the streets.

The people spread, running every way they can as another bullet hits the night. My eyes narrow of the market at the end of the street, bustling with bodies.

"C'mon." I mutter, beginning to run towards it, hearing Archer beside me. I quickly look behind me only to see the team missing.

Archer answers my unspoken question, "We got separated in the escape."

Bullets hit the air and I duck, Archer's hand finding mine as he pulls us forward, racing along the sidewalk.

A shout echoes, my eyes scanning the area.

I quickly pull us down a side street, my body almost colliding with a shoppers when Archer pulls me into his, pulling us further into the market, walking past shop fronts.

"C'mon." Archer shouts racing between the stalls.

I follow, glancing behind us periodically, checking we aren't followed.

Another shout erupts, many following it as more bullets pierce the night.

I duck, covering my head as a shop window beside us explodes in a downpour of glass.

I lift my arms instinctively as glass rains down on Archer and I with a piercing shriek, my ears ring as chaos ensues.

Ducking low, Archer grasps my hand is his, his mouth is moving but I can't make out the words with the ringing in my ears.

He pulls on my arm, and we start running again.

Another shot cuts through the air, bending at the waist quickly, I grab a random table and flip it over. Pulling Archer behind it with me.

I take huge lungsful of air as I struggle to regain my hearing and sense again.

The ringing in my ears stops at the same time the shots do. I glance at Archer and find him doing the same.

"You, okay?" He asks shortly, his eyes searching over my head at the direction of the shots.

His voice is washed away by the sound of more bullets, and I press my back closer to the upturned table. Reaching down I start to take off my heels.

"What are you doing?"

"Heels are hot, but they're stupid to run in."

He chuckles, shaking his head before peaking over the table.

I turn my head, noticing the shopfront we crouch in front of, the one with the broken window.

Archer looks at it too, nodding his head.

"In Three."



We stand, running for the shop. My feet hit the glass and cobblestone, but I ignore it, climbing through the window as Archer follows.

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